Apr 27, 2010 03:39

We had a tech rehearsal today.

It was beautiful.

I think everyone who comes to see it is going to die.  Like, literally, there will be dead bodies sitting in the theatre because of the epicness.  That, or everyone will pee themselves.  The two one-acts that are going to have the most impact on the audience are first and last and each one terrified me like nothing else.

The first one I'm stage managing. (yay!)  It's about Medusa and, basically, she gets raped.  Offstage, of course, but the screaming and the laughing is enough to make your stomach turn and your heart start beating faster.  It's such a chilling play but it's beautiful at the same time.  The rest of the actors for the other one-acts were all terrified when it happened, but they all still loved it.  We have two incredibly talented actors playing Medusa and Poseidon and I now have so much more respect for them.  Especially the guy playing Poseidon.  He's so nice in real life, but stick him on that stage and tell him to creep it up, and he'll creep it up.

The last play is about the zombie apocalypse.  It focuses on the survivors and how being confined together affects them and their relationships with each other.  It's very normal for a play with zombies.  But of course, it can't be a zombie play and have no zombies, so there's a bunch of us playing zombies who are out in the lobby, moaning and pounding on the door at the end.  And the end itself?  So epic I can't even say.  But I get to play one of the zombies who basically moans and bangs on stuff and walks with a limp and has terrible depth perception.  It's awesome.  Also terrifying.  But still awesome.

So I finally realized that I'm really going to miss all the theatre people once it's time to leave school.  I'm sure I'll get into theatre wherever I end up, but I'm really going to miss this experience.  All the people involved in Measure for Measure and now the spring showcase are so talented and lovely and I want to pack them in a bag and take them with me.  The hardest part is knowing that I could keep doing theatre here, probably even get a role in something if I wanted to, or stage manage the big production next year if I stayed.  But compromise my future just so I can hang out with cool people and call the shots?  Not worth it.

But holy crap, I'm gonna miss a certain member of the cast/crew...  I may have the tiniest possible, itty-bitty little crush on him.  Like, so small it's virtually nonexistent, but for someone who's never had a boyfriend and hasn't liked anyone since high school... it's a big deal.  Don't laugh at me.
Also, he's the only person at this entire college who I could date safely.  Meaning, neither of us would be emotionally scarred for life by the experience.  Trust me, I'm waaaayyy too liberal for any of the guys here.

zombies ruuuunnn!!!, theatre, holy shit

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