Title: Unworthy to Love Band: the GazettE Author: Reila Genre: Angst Rating: PG-13? Pairings: Onesided Reita/Uruha; implied Reita/Aoi Summary: You were constantly there for me whenever I was down, willing to pick up the broken pieces that had fallen. Why was I so blind? [Uruha's POV] Comments: This was...written for a friend. I hurt her and I
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Title: Never Say Goodbye Band: GHOST; 176BIZ Chapters: 1/1 Author: Reila Genre: Romance. Rating: PG Pairings: Kousei/Tara Summary: Tara had returned from his tour the previous night, a cloud of discontentment hanging around him heavily.. Comments: This originally came to me when I first heard Tara was leaving 176BIZ a while back, but it kind of
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Title: Count the Stars Band: the GazettE Chapters: 1/1 Author: Reila Genre: Romance Rating: PG Pairings: Ruki/Aoi Summary: Ruki wasn't watching the stars; on the contrary, his eyes were fixed upon the guitarist as he gazed up at the endless skies. Comments: I got instantly inspired once I was reading Frozen to Lose it All. It isn't a Ruki/Aoi fic
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- Pick your birth month. - Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you. - Bold the five-ten that best apply to you. - Copy to your own journal, with all twelve months under a lj-cut. - Tag 12 people from your friends list.