He could have sword he'd left Cloud by the rocks, away from the gunfire, away from the immediate danger-- the death. Yet, here was was (or was he?) crawling closer-- moving, on his own, Cloud was moving! -- And he couldn't even get up to greet him, to say hello and to welcome him back into the world of the conscience.
They should have been celebrating...
He couldn't move, couldn't feel and Gaia, even his eyes were blurry with something. Something annoying, none the less, yet as he tried, he couldn't lift his hand to try and get it out.
The flowers were something he cherished with a passion, but even more, he found himself drawn not to the flower but to the one who guided them, gave life to them and simply loved them. She was someone worth seeing every time he found free time. He enjoyed her presence, it made him feel calm and at peace; something not easily gained anymore, not after Angeal (mentorfriendcompanion) had left--
[And awake he is. It's obvious that he's a tad disturbed by the dream, as he's voice isn't as confident as usually. Still he doesn't realize that the Dreamberry has made it much more public than it should be.]
Ugh, what on Gaia? Damn, never had one quite that messed up...