Caroline Forbes is the perky yet dysfunctional blond BFF from The Vampire Diaries. She's a typical high school girl up until Katherine kills her and Caroline becomes the most adorable vampire ever. Anyway, here's all you need to know about Caroline Forbes in bullets. Not the wooden kind, though, 'cause those hurt and the death is kind of forever.
- Comes from the current episodes of The Vampire Diaries CW television program along with nojackassfile
- TVD is a world where vampires and werewolves and witches all coexist with much sexual tension and disdain
- Caroline is a former bloodwhore for Damon Salvatore (who some may recall)
- Her issues of feeling lonely, unwanted, rejected, and second-best are great
- But she's still super competitive (especially with friends)
- She's kind of a gossipy, blunt bitch who cannot keep a secret to save your life
- Aaaand Caroline is a vampire and thus, seventeen forever and ever
- Thank god she's hot, right?
- But Caroline doesn't drink blood straight from humans (if she can help it)
- Stefan makes her try the whole 'hunting baby animals' thing but she's kinda grossed out
- Meaning she sustains herself on blood bags
- Has some wicked powers, including:
- Enhanced speed
- Enhanced strength (including sudden onset of fighting skills)
- Seriously sensitive hearing
- Accelerated healing
- Has to be invited into homes, including dorm rooms
- Wears a magical ring that keeps her from bursting into flames in the daylight
- Anything wooden piercing her heart will kill her for good
- A werewolf bite will make her super sick (possibly dead, we'll get canon on this in the end of January)
- When she's vamped out, Caroline has long fangs, black eyes, and unattractive veins standing out against the pale skin of her cheeks. She vamps out automatically when she smells blood, feels an intense emotion, or is about to feed/attack
- Vamp mode is ugly, yes
- Caroline can compel people - meaning basically if someone looks in her eyes, Caroline can make them remember whatever she wants them to, believe things that never happened, or make a person do what she wants them to
- An herb called vervain is the best defense against vampiric compulsion. Wearing treated jewelry, perfume made with vervain, or ingesting the herb will protect a person from mental attacks, with the latter also protecting them from being fed from
- She has two tattoos:
- a bird on her wrist and
- a star on her foot
- There's no denying Caroline is an insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack
- And she will not even try to hide this fact, though she might kid herself that she can avoid outing herself as a vampire (HA!)
- Her PB is the very adorable Candice Accola who denies Caroline is the b-word
- I welcome any and all who would like to toy with any number of Caroline's issues/powers
- Hit me up on
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