from the step bitch

Oct 28, 2008 16:59

I don't even know how to respond to this.


I would like to discuss a few things with you.
First of all, Nicole and Casidee are sisters and are very close. Casidee told Nicole that you said that you thought she was judgmental and that you didn't like her, that you didn't think she was a very nice person. We have never mentioned this to you because there hasn't been a time when you might be together. I spoke to Nicole about this and she says to just drop it and she doen't have any problems with you. She just wants everyone to get along and have a good time. She is a very nice person.
Second, it seems like almost every time you send an e-mail to your dad you are blaming him for doing and saying hurtful "stuff" to you, Mark and Sara. Also, that he hasn't apologized. In my opinion (which may not matter to you, but means everything to your dad) you need to have more respect for your father! I was raised to have respect for my parents and my elders. This may seem old fashioned to you, but in the "real" world it is still widely recognized. Your manners are atrocious. I am very disappointed. Your father has wonderful manners and knows how to conduct himself in a kind, appreciative, and (when necessary) professional manner. Saying that you were "mistreated" is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. While staying at Enid's house, you never offered to help clean up one time. The only time you helped I had to "tell" you we were going to clean up after dinner . You left the basement a mess. I asked your father to ask you to clean up after yourself and you did put most of your trash in a bag, but left the bag laying on the floor. I had to go back over there and clean after you left to go back to Moline. I did it because I didn't want Enid (who is in poor health) to have to clean up after you guys. She was very generous to allow you to stay there and your attitide was absolutely horrible while you were here in January. I understand that your dad was getting remarried, but you are an adult and should conduct yourself as one. If you had such a big problem with it, then why did you come? Because your mother was in Florida with her boyfriend and you had nothing better to do? Your father has done so much for you and you do not appreciate anything he does for you!!! He gave you the money for your schooling and have you ever thanked him for that? He let you live with him at his condo the summer of 2007 for free because you didn't want to live with your mother. He has purchased most of your clothing for you. I'm sure the list goes on and on. You know if you would be more appreciative to him for the things he has done for you, then maybe he would have a desire to do more for you. But, all you ever do is bash him and blame him for things he hasn't done.
Third, How dare you accuse us of kidnapping Sara!!!!! Sara wanted to go with us to Salt Lake and was treated like a little princess while there by everyone. WE LOVE SARA!!! I am so unbelievably angry that you would accuse him of such a ridiculous thing! Where did you come up with this crap? Your mother is the one who asked us to take her home with us!!! I had a feeling some sort of accusation would be made so I asked her to provide us with an e-mail giving her permission for us to take Sara back to St. Louis with us. She did provide us with that e-mail and gave us permission to keep Sara "for the rest of the summer" but then quickly changed her mind. Sara ended up going home over a week early. We had to pay an extra $150.00 to fly her back to St. Louis and your father lost 25,000 frequent flyer miles! So, your mother conveniently changed her mind AFTER we paid for the extra ticket and got back to St. Louis. She still can't understand why we were angry when she showed up unannounced. The Sunday she showed up we were in the middle of helping my dad with one of his horses. His horses are worth anywhere from $45,000 to $60,000 each. My dad has a hernia and needs surgery. He has to wear a wide belt to hold his stomach together until he is able to have this surgery. He was in the stall with one of his very spirited horses trying to untangle her tail which had been braided up by the vet because of an injury. The long tail that touches the ground is an important characteristic for an American Saddlebred so we wanted to save this tail. (The horse is for sale) Your mother's presence caused so much tension (that the horse could feel) that my dad ended up just cutting off a large section of her tail. He couldn't risk being in the stall with a nervous mare. Now, he will probably have to wait until next year to sell her or take less money for her.
So, Celia, if the only reason you want to come to St. Louis for Thanksgiving is to make sure we don't "kidnap" Sara, please do us all a favor and don't come. Besides, your mother just told your dad and I a week ago that she "didn't care" if Sara came here to live with us, that she would "pack her bags and bring her to Springfield for us to pick her up".
Last of all, Contrary to what you believe, your father loves Mark very much and so do I. Mark is a very special spirit. He will never have to be held accountable for his actions because he doesn't understand, which makes him a Celestial child. He will automatically inherit the Celestial kingdom. Your dad and I both believe there is a lot to learn from him. We would love for him to live close to us here in St. Louis. We would have been willing to take him here, but your mother went and made herself his legal guardian without consulting with your father. What an ignorant thing to do. With your mother being his legal guardian, we will not take him over the state line or for that matter, anywhere. We can't trust your mother. I will not have your dad put himself in jeopardy with her. She has proven herself untrustworthy time and time again. So, no, Mark will not be coming. We will visit Mark when we are in Davenport whenever we can. Mark loves us and we love him and your dad certainly owes you NO explanations in regards to Mark.
I know that you will probably hate me after this e-mail, but I cannot stand by another second and see the way you speak to your father! You should be ashamed of yourself. You are the one who owes your dad an apology. You need to think about how selfish you sound when you said the night at the hospital was the worst night of your life. Instead of you feeling sorry for yourself, for once in your life, think of someone else. Your grandmother has VERY POOR health and she needed her medication and needed to go home. You only had to stay there for 3 hours. You live on your own, but you can't watch your 14 year old sister for 3 hours at a hospital?! Please, spare me the drama! When you can grow up and stop feeling sorry for yourself, apologize to your dad and start thinking of others instead of yourself all the time then you will be welcome here. Until then, you're not welcome. I'm sorry.


P.S.- Celia, if you were my own biological child, I would still say this to you. I have always called my children on their behavior when inappropriate, even though they've stayed mad at me for weeks. They eventually acknowledge their actions and apologize. I know this may be hard for you to hear, but you need to start facing the truth. I do care about you, and I do not judge you for your lifestyle (even though I don't agree with it). Please think this through before responding."
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