aright, you gotta understand. travis is the answer to what/who/how i got turned on to mixed martial arts. he was my first ... everything. first person i rolled with. first teacher. first person to compliment my form. first guy whose crotch was in my face for not-sexual purposes.
the thing is, we're tight.
taylor, you know ... i like taylor a lot. but that was always a love from afar. he's a quiet guy.
but alas ... this semester, they both were gone. Taylor's back in texas, travis, who-knows-where.
oh, break, my heart.
(i was addressing my heart, there. not instructing some unknown person TO break my heart. in case that was unclear) ^_-
okay, y'all, seriously, though, travis is a total doll (i don't know if you could tell). he's PRECIOUS, super fun to work with, just love him to death. and HE CAME TONIGHT!! he hasn't been all semester!!!
and HE COMPLIMENTED ME and I MET HIS BROTHER and he told me to COME BACK ("i'll be here every friday night" (says travis). HELL YEAH!) and MATT DIDN'T GO WITH ME. and I GOT A MOVE I COULD NEVER DO BEFORE because travis taught it to both of us BECAUSE HE KNEW I THOUGHT I COULDN'T DO IT how PRECIOUS IS THAT??? AWWWWWWW!!! :)
he also totally told me that i move my hips really well for a beginner (that's a big deal in brazilian) and that i should come back because if i kept at it i could do really well in competition. again, HELLS YEAH!
AAAAHHH, i couldn't be happier!!!!
i love my life sometimes so much!! :)
he's SO cute and there are all these precious boys in there and mabey matt WON'T want to do this and I can actually get good at something on my own! i love doing things with him but i really like it when he's not there, too, for totally different reasons, and this way i could ... well, i could have no social life at ALL (i'd be doing fighting four nights a week) but i COULD have it both ways with matt ... heh.
i'm just so excited! :)
i need more travis in my life. *dimpled grin*
and i DEFINITELY need more ass-kicking abilities. WHOOOOOT!!!!!!!