Finally someone knows what Amelia's up to.However,Sonny defends Sam to then just run to Jason and talk like he's against her??? What the??
Logan trying to suck up to Spinelli now? GMAB! U suck dude,go away!
Kate pack your bags b4 Carly kicks your ass!haha
Sam,I love ya but don't have this child behind Jason's back.It will not make your relationship better.Just tell him what u wanna do.Geez!
Ric" go suck an egg u p.i.t.a.!
Go Luke go!!!His plans to kidnap Laura need to be sped up b4 Scotty gets away with her!!
Lulu I love ya! I freakin loved her second outfit of the eppy with heart designed shirt and necklace!
p.s.*omg Greg is at it the preview he calls Jake..Jamie! omg dude first u call Liz, Samantha now this?? haha wake up bb! lol*