I was adding this to my last entry but got side tracked on a little movie type thing.
Oh well...
Ugh, everything is building up.
All these emotions are trying to escape from every part of my body.
I'm so tired physically and mentally.
I'd love to be able just to take everything I’m feeling inside and just place them in front of someone and just show them.
I can't deal with it anymore its getting worse each time.
The medication isn't working no matter how strong it is
This illness is never going to go away. I'll always be stuck with it. Always haunting over my shoulder like a ghost or something.
The breaks are not farther and farther between now, like they said they would be. They are closer together. More frequent I guess.
I hallucinations are more realistic but more intense than they have ever been. I see normal people now just doing things, I don't know I can't describe them.
I even look back at some of my entries and none of them ever make sense.
It's just like flipping by radio stations constantly but none of them are ever clear.
It takes me forever just to concentrate hard enough to even type out a sentence. The voices are never clear enough to make out... they are screaming at me but it’s like it’s in a different language.
It’s taking a mental break on me as well, after each break I can't speak as well as I did before. I struggle to find even the most simplest of words.
I don't know what to do anymore
Headache again... for the 4th time this week... lovely