Fandom: Castle
Title: "My New Haircut"
Characters/Pairings: Esposito, Beckett, Ryan, Castle, Lanie, a little Castle/Beckett
Rating: G
Spoilers/Warnings: None!
Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own Castle or else this would actually happen!
Summary: Because
macrobleb and I agree, Beckett needs a new haircut.
One day at the precinct, Castle is waiting for Beckett with coffee (looking through her files) and Ryan and Esposito are throwing a baseball back and forth, with pauses to check if Beckett or the Captain is coming.
The ball suddenly hits Esposito in the head, and before Ryan can make any attempt at exclaiming his victory over Esposito’s catching abilities, he hears Beckett’s heels clicking.
After a few moments of staring at each other, she finally says, “Castle, out of my chair.”
“What happened to your hair? I mean it’s really great, just like when we first met,” he grins a little at that, she’s still glaring at him though, and he quickly recovers from his shock and scrambles out of her seat, stepping around her (probably a little closer to her than strictly necessary).
She straightens her disturbed files and finally looks up seeing Ryan and Esposito’s confused faces staring at her.
“What?” she barks.
Ryan jumps a little, Esposito doesn’t flinch, “I was just beginning to wonder if you were ever gonna cut it again, or if you were measuring how long you’ve known Castle with it.” Castle grins at the idea.
She rolls her eyes at him, “it was just time to get it cut, that’s all.”
Actually, yesterday afternoon when Castle was out at a violin concert for Alexis, and the boys were out interrogating some neighbors of the victim, Lanie came into the precinct.
“Girl, I am taking you to a salon,” Lanie said standing in front of her desk.
Beckett blew her bangs out of her face, “what? Why? Lanie I’m working on this case.”
“Yeah and none of the warrants or lab work will be finished processing until tomorrow, I already got an appointment with my guy, you’re getting a new haircut.”
“My haircut is fine,” she protested.
“Hon, you got it at a barber shop.”
She really couldn’t fight that, so she let Lanie pull her along.
And here she was, trying to glare them all into silence.
“I think it looks good,” Esposito and Castle look at Ryan, “what I’ve never seen her with short hair before, it really frames her face well.”
Esposito rolls his eyes, muttering, “too easy,” and turns back to his desk to actually get work done.
Once it had quieted down, Castle leans over to whisper, “it really does look attractive, I like it better this way.”
It was a herculean feat that she did not smile.