Jul 08, 2010 17:01
Today's Tweets:
- 00:03 Any friends with blogs (other than @persocomsan who I asked already) please add my tumbler to your blog roll (well, if you'd like to...). #
- 00:03 Here is the link: fadburger.tumblr.com/ #
- 00:05 I am just going to use that for my blogging needs, much simpler than anything else I've used previously. #
- 02:01 Photo: These
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Jul 07, 2010 17:01
Today's Tweets:
- 17:56 Noah's Sqeakers shoes we got from @mamabargains just came, they are great but they drive the dog nuts. Luckily they are for when we go out. #
- 18:00 My first thought taking them out of the box was "did I get the right size these look HUGE", they are correct though 7/8s. #
- 18:01 They fit Noah PERFECTLY. So basically my son just
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Jul 01, 2010 17:03
Today's Tweets:
- 18:16 I like Cake Boss way more than Ace of Cakes. So far they have only used edible things!!! #
- 11:15 Ya~y, Matt is coming home for lunch. Hooray for living like 1 minute driving distance from his work xD #
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Jun 30, 2010 17:02
Today's Tweets:
- 19:40 I wanna go to Home Depot and get a new mail box...the one that came with the house is not so great... #
- 19:41 The cheap one is only $15, and the kind that I wanted too...gotta pick one up later. #
- 01:34 bit.ly/a09dmV zomg so cute, so want. #
- 02:24 I spend over 1 hour talking to a Comcast rep and right when I am about to
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Jun 29, 2010 17:02
Today's Tweets:
- 23:36 I can't get over how rad it is that we have a freaking house for REAL. #
- 03:39 My hands are killing me but I got Noah's wire/bead maze from IKEA put together...now for bed...it's super duper late. #
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Jun 28, 2010 17:03
Today's Tweets:
- 09:33 Uggghhhh, BUGS. They seem to have all come in last night somehow...now some are still in, on and outside the window and in the bathroom >.< #
- 09:34 Gotta call the FIL and figure out what to do...at least on the disgusting bug scale they are pretty low but I still want them outta here!!!! #
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Jun 27, 2010 17:02
Today's Tweets:
- 22:00 No I didn't get my iPhone 4 yet, I am waiting for matt to load the Uhaul and playing around on his phone ;) #
- 22:32 Finally about to leave apartment life behind for good!!! #
- 09:20 At the house now, all moved in but of course there is plenty of unpacking to do~. #
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Jun 26, 2010 17:02
Today's Tweets:
- 18:15 Strike Witches Manga vol. 1 & 2 get! New Popteen issue get! :D #
- 18:16 I know @miss_mitsu isn't looking forward to it, but I want to read about Mori Gyaru/Girl...but I like it no matter what lol. Viva florals! #
- 00:20 Just got back from the house and a nice bath in my nice tub! Tomorrow is moving day for reals...busy busy! #
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