I've had to do so many spelling revisions already because of how hyper I am!!

Feb 21, 2006 19:37

Woo, another post in the same day! Wow. Surprising. It's just an ED survey for my own amusement, chill. And also a confession at the end of the survey, under the cut. Read it if you feel like it.

ED Survey
Bold all those that apply.

1. Even though people tell me I'm thin, I feel fat.

2. I get anxious if I can't exercise.

3. [Female] My menstrual periods are irregular or absent.
[Male] My sex drive is not as strong as it used to be.

4. I worry about what I will eat.

5. If I gain weight, I get anxious and depressed.

6. I'd rather eat by myself than with family or friends.

7. Other people talk about the way I eat

8. I get anxious when people urge me to eat

9. I don't talk much about my fear of being fat because no one understands how I feel.

10. I enjoy cooking for others, but I usually don't eat what I've cooked.

11. I have a secret stash of food.

12. I like to read recipes, cookbooks, calorie charts, and books about dieting and exercise.

13. When I eat, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop.

14. I lie about what I eat.

15. I don't like to be bothered or interrupted when I'm eating.

16. If I were thinner, I would like myself better.

17. I have missed work or school because of my weight or eating habits.

18. I tend to be depressed and irritable.

19. I feel guilty when I eat.

20. I avoid some people because they bug me about the way I eat.

21. When I eat, I feel bloated and fat.

22. My eating habits and fear of food interfere with friendships or romantic relationships.

23. I binge eat.

24. I do strange things with my food (cut it into tiny pieces, eat it in special ways, eat it on special dishes with special utensils, make patterns on my plate with it, secretly throw it away, give it to the dog, hide it, spit it out before I swallow, etc.)

25. I get anxious when people watch me eat.

26. I am hardly ever satisfied with myself.

27. I vomit or take laxatives to control my weight.

28. I want to be thinner than my friends.

29. I have said or thought, "I would rather die than be fat."

30. I have stolen food, laxatives, or diet pills from stores or from other people.

31. I have fasted to lose weight.

32. In romantic moments, I cannot let myself go because I am worried about my fat and flab.

34. I have noticed one or more of the following:
-cold hands and feet
-dry skin
-thinning hair
-fragile nails
-swollen glands in my neck
-dental cavities
-rapid or irregular heartbeat

Well, that was enlightening. I guess my case is more serious than I chalked it up to be, huh? And what I was speaking of before--the not wanting to say what it was that I did? Yeah, I was purging. It didn't last for even a week because it got so out of control, I didn't even know I was myself anymore. I did have swollen glands and a huuuuge ulcer in the back of my throat. Eating and swolling anything, including liquids, was difficult for over a week. Yep, so there's my secret. I'd go more into it if I wasn't so hyped up on sugar. Yay for not being able to think and being hyper by eating lots of sugary things like Sweethearts TARTS!!!!

Okay, I seriously have to type my story up. It's been over a year. It NEEDS to be done!!!

P.S. Johnny Cash's song The Beast In Me. I. Love. It. Yep, I said it. I love that song, just like his version of Hurt from Nine Inch Nails. Which, by the way, I'm still mourning the loss of not being able to go to the With Teeth concert next month. Damn ticket stealers!! *shakes fist* I'll get you one day. ONE DAY!!!

Okay, I seriously need to chill out...ORRRRR...eat more sugary things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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