Now we have come back from away, and once more return to the fray. So since I'm quite bored, I'll join with the horde. So here's that new question ( meme. )
It seems that for home I have yearned, And though that our rest was well earned... Enjoy this last night, For when it comes light, It will have come time we returned.
It seems that the bond that was hewn, was built on a very false tune. No sense in dismay, but since it's that way... Let's all just slip off to Cancun.
We teach her but nothing remains, Our patience with it slowly wanes. For trouble she yearns, And thus never learns... So what can then save her but chains?
So I guess I am once again male. And witnessed the devotion so frail. The lost can now 'link', So I stop and think... So then what kind of 'me' should prevail?
So trouble and mayhem's a brewing. My actions I find I'm reviewing. And those that I love, Are those I think of... So how have you girls all been doing?