+name. KT Smith
+age. 16
+location. Sandy Eggo
+sexual preference. Uhh, boys
+do you spit or swallow? spit, if I swaalowed, I might vomit.
Opinion on:
+drugs. If you choose to do them, I have no problem. I used to do them but stopped so I could be employed, which sucks cuz I still am without a job.
+drinking. It's very fun but I have learned the hard way not to get drunk with a boy you don't trust.
+sex. I don't have the best outlook on it because I have bad experiences but it's fun if you do it with the right person.
+pubic hair. boys:trim, girls:remove it all
+top bands. I really like classis rock so: The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Queen, Pink Floyd, etc.
+top movies. SLC Punk, Edward Scissorhands, The Ninja Turtles(not the cartoon one), The Goonies, and uhh Superstar.
+tell us one interesting story. One day, I woke up.
+three pictures of yourself. (I'm so sorry for the size! Please forgive me.)
That's me trying to climb in the sink, it was unsuccessful. I fell.
Uhh, yah. that's my room with me on my bed. I don't sleep on it though. I sleep on an air matress. Anywho, moving on.
That's me in front of a poster of my favorite place! New York, New York in my hometown of Las Vegas!
+picture of the sexiest person you know.
Mack and this is Kevin.
+titty shot (doesn't have to be bare, but show some cleavage)
Sorry, my mouse is in it. I can post another later if this doesn't work.
+promote in 1 community or 2 journals. and show here.
qtiepie1313 and _inferior
+if you dont post pics you're post is deleted.
&put your best pictures. we dont give 2nd chances