Tutorial #75

Feb 11, 2007 11:18

I just realised that I havent made a tutorial in just under a month! Shame on me! I found the psd for a requested tutorial and I thought it was perfect timing! So here we go!

Make the following icon;


this and this TO

This icon was part of this post. The tutorial was requested by nyi  and newexistence

1. Open a new 100 x 100 image

2. Open your images and resize them. Drag them onto your 100 x 100 image. Place the Sarah pic on top of the Wentworth pic. Select the part of the Sarah pic that overlaps the Wentworth pic. Delete it.
I got:

3. Now go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves
Point One
Input: 53
Output: 121

Point Two
Input: 106
Output: 181

I got:

4. Now I went to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Colour.
C: -100
M: +2
Y: +100
B: +30

C: +52
M: +1
Y: +78
B: -1

I got:

5. Now I went to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Colour.
C: -47
M: 0
Y: 0
B: 0

C: -16
M: 0
Y: 0
B: 0

I got:

6. Again I went to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Colour.
C: +31
M: 0
Y: -19
B: 0

I got:

7. Now go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation
Set the Saturation to +27

8. Now I went to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Colour.
C: +9
M: 0
Y: +6
B: +9

I got:

9. Now go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation
Set the Saturation to:
REDS: +23
I got:

10. Then I added some text by _chokeanddie  and toxxxicgurl

And you are done!
Finished Product:

If you have any trouble at all, or need any help just let me know! I am more than happy to help!

I hope you liked this tut. If you did, feel free to check out the many others that can be found right HERE

Have fun and please comment! Friend me

type: tutorial, tv: prison break

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