(no subject)

Feb 12, 2010 16:27

. voiced by Maaya Sakamoto
. pure-type weapon created by the Ancients
. hibernated for thousands (possibly tens of thousands) of years
. learning to be "human"
. forcibly shuts herself down in the middle of the game. twice |D
. most important person (Craymen) dies right in front of her (also Atolm and arguably Edge D:)
. Edge voiced by Akira Ishida
. can communicate telepathically with other pure-type creatures
. obtains Edge's DNA in Sestren (and uses it to create Orta)
. gets reprogrammed by an Ancient rebel faction before the game
. overcomes fear of the Tower to infiltrate it and shut it down
. the Tower is a tall labyrinthine structure infested with pure-type monsters

. voiced by Maaya Sakamoto
. anti-Shadow weapon created by the Kirijo group
. hibernated for ~10 years
. learning to be "human"
. is forcibly shut down in the middle of the game by Ryoji
. most important person (Minato) dies right in her lap
. Minato voiced by Akira Ishida
. can understand animals
. in her s-link, gets Minato's DNA burnt into the Papillon heart (that's... nice...)
. gets reprogrammed by Ikutsuki in the middle of the game
. overcomes fear of the Fall and everyone dying with regret to fight Nyx
. Tartarus is a tall labyrinthine structure infested with Shadows

... there's probably more too. I wonder if Atlus ever played Panzer dragoon saga :|a
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