Who: Kakashi, Andrew, and Haku
When: Now-ish? After Kakashi woke up and asked Medea if he was in trouble
Where: Somewhere on Purg's lower level
Rating: PG?
Warnings: Eavesdropping doesn't count, right?
Summary: Kakashi had provoked Logan in order to get some answers about Jenova... or at least learn what it is that Jenova can do to people. Can't say he learned all that much about it, but Logan eventually made short work of him during the battle. It's cold, Kakashi's punished to remain on the lower level for a week, and it looks like he's made a bad habit of dying in Purg...
Funny how he could wake up and be completely concerned about Rikku more than himself. After he'd managed to ask Medea about what kind of punishment he'd receive, he dragged himself to a nearby shack to hide from the cold and take some time reviving.
His head never hurt this much when he'd revived in the past, but maybe it was only throbbing so hard because he'd been thinking way too hard before dying this time around. Crap, that brought his death count to three, and if he could prevent Rikku from finding out, he would. Besides, it was his fault anyway; he didn't want her to blame Logan for anything, though he was pretty sure that she wouldn't somehow. Maybe that was his self-blame talking again...
What memory had he lost this time? Kakashi's thoughts were reeling, but he knew better to even think that he'd actually recall something that was taken away from him. Another memory lost, and hopefully something that wasn't all too important to him. What he did remember, however, was his little 'tussle' with Logan: Kage bunshin no jutsu (shadow clone technique), pulling himself back for Gokakyuu no jutsu (great fireball technique), dispelling kage bunshin in favor of attempting to use the mangekyou sharingan (which didn't work out because it really couldn't open the warp hole to another dimension, just as he'd originally suspected), Kage bunshin no jutsu for a distraction, and then finally Raikiri to Logan's chest... which didn't kill the clawed man. And instead, the claws came out, hitting some vitals before Kakashi felt the world black out again. Well, wasn't that just beautiful? Did Logan just come like that, or was it Jenova that prevented Logan from dying?
Not like there was much point in mulling over it now. It really did look like his Jenova investigation had finally hit a dead end--but not without him trying first.
Then he thought about Rikku and wondered if she'd worried that he'd gone missing again. Hopefully she was too busy or preoccupied taking care of other business... and he was worried about her Al Bhed friend, too. He had no reason to distrust Gippal, but they did seem really close. But she'd chosen Kakashi, and he believed her. Even when he tried (again) to explain that he didn't deserve her, couldn't have her, she said that she wanted him. Most importantly of all, he'd given himself to her entirely, and if Mao was right -if she got bored and got rid of him- he'd still belong to her. Even if he was being used... but he knew that he wasn't. He wasn't sure what kind of impression he'd given to Gippal, though, and if Rikku told her fellow Al Bhed about what recently happened to her, he was sure that the man thought it was all his fault.
After the throbbing had subsided, he searched the shack for anything useful to wear against the cold. For crying out loud, it was snowing outside... and he hadn't seen snow for a long time. Konoha normally had such beautiful weather, minus the few times that it actually rained. But snow was even more rare than rain--hardly ever even possible in the Fire Country, but not completely impossible. Still, Kakashi never forgot how cold the snow could be... not since those few missions that had taken him to other countries with such vastly different climates from Konoha.
Having found a heavy cloak hiding amidst some boxes of garbage, he aired it out for a little bit before deciding that it was decent enough to put on before finally going outside to brave the cold. He might as well wander the streets and see if he could get in to work today, right?