Who: Sylar and B
When: Technically I guess a couple days ago? Or.. whatever.
Where: Clocktower apparently :>
Rating: Probably not very kid-safe, knowing these two.
Warnings: Nothing good, son.
Summary: It's... B. And Sylar. I... don't even know what else to say. :( THERE WILL BE BLOOD??
So, Sylar didn't know him that well. All he had to go off of was what the other Sylar told him, which hadn't been much. He probably hadn't been expecting to see him again. Well... it was his problem now, apparently.
It couldn't be that bad, though, could it? Having a friend around. The only person he'd really had to talk to in Purgatory was Elle, and she was... well, Elle. She was better than nothing, but sometimes, she just...
She was so infuriating, that's what it was. And now the thing with Lyle. The Lyle who was not Claire's brother.
Well, fuck them. He had better things to attend to now.
He went to the clocktower, and, not seeing anyone in the immediate proximity, he waited.