- Please note this is a two week plot.
- Characters homes WILL be flooded. This is a rare occurance, as we prefer to have plots that characters and players can choose whether or not to be a part of, but this plot is not optional. You can choose not to mention the flood or the effects of it in your characters posts, but keep in mind that as long as they have rooms on or below the ground level, those rooms are flooded.
- As every house is unique, you're welcome to get creative with how high the water level gets in your character's home - as long as any floor on or below ground level is flooded excessively, and characters can not remain there.
- Also, keep in mind for time frames that Purgatorium runs on Eastern Time, although back-dating is fine.
As spring approaches your characters will notice the weather on both levels beginning to warm. The temperature is gradually increasing and the snow has begun to melt. At first, the most notable change is that piles of snow are beginning to diminish in size, and puddles are forming on the ground.
After a few days of an unremarkable thaw it will start to become evident that houses with wooden foundations have begun to absorb the excess water, causing soggy patches and minimal damage to form on the ground floor of these buildings. Characters with the ability to do so can attempt drying the ground, but any effort would only last temporarily before water soaked through again. With time the wet patches will spread across the floor's surface, and puddles will start to spread. Although any character will be able to mop up this excess water it will also prove to be a futile effort, as the rising water will quickly enough form new puddles.
The water level will continue to gradually increase, rising from patches on the floor to ankle deep, knee deep, and so on until the only way characters could realistically survive on these floors is by swimming. Before long it should become apparent that they'll be stuck on the second or third floor of the building for a few days, and preparations should be made to accommodate this situation. There will be plenty of time to stock up on food and move valuables to a higher floor to prevent damage if characters move quickly enough - everything will be safe if moved up from the ground level.
The fastest and most efficient way to get rid of the excess water is by putting it to use - storing it and cleaning it in the same manner as the blood rain for instance, for characters that still have, or are capable of making buckets for this purpose. With time it will begin to dissipate on it's own, absorbing into the ground and returning to water level.
The safest place to remain during the flood is the second (or higher) floor, for residents on both the Upper and Lower levels. Characters with no second floor should evacuate their homes and find another residence to stay in temporarily, even if they need to take shelter in the boarding house on the Lower Level until the flood passes.
Any character in an emergency can seek refuge in the temple with Alma, but if you'd like to pursue that option you MUST first contact a mod for permission. It's preferable that you contact Suu directly at I Am Your Crisis, but if she's unavailable, feel free to get in touch with Ed at IcarusElric, instead.
Once the water begins to ebb away efforts to clear the water out will be notably more effective, and once the flood has cleared measures can be taken to fix anything suffering water damage.
This plot will take effect immediately, although characters will notice the changes at their own pace. Water levels will rise until next Saturday (3/21) night, at which point the water level will remain stagnant for several hours - no longer increasing and not yet decreasing by any impressive measure. Although the levels will clearly lower faster in households that characters make an effort to put the water to use, or find other methods to remove it from their homes. By Sunday (3/22) late afternoon/early evening the ground will begin to absorb the excess, and it will begin to return to water level. All characters should be well aware by Tuesday (3/24) morning/early afternoon that the water level has decreased steadily and things will return to normal soon.
Save for a few unremarkable puddles, everything will be gone by Monday (3/30) morning, and lives should return to normal.