Just a quick heads up - activity, and plot

Mar 19, 2009 13:12

Activity check this weekend, Everyone that said they were going to, please hiatus before that gets posted. If you need to extend a hiatus, do that also.

Keep in mind that there is a rule about needing to post at least once after a three week hiatus, before you can hiatus again. Some characters haven't been posted since January or early February, and it's nearly April now - so it's important that if you want to keep these characters you get at least one entry up before the check two weeks from now.

Concerning the flood, since there have been some questions.

During the day water is gradually increasing, although it's probably not noticeable because it's a slow steady elevation. When characters wake up in the morning, the change is much more obvious. I know that some characters have already mentioned the changes in their homes, and I apologize for not explaining in a detailed enough description to be clear for everyone, exactly how the flooding was going to happen within a week.

However, at this point characters will notice the water to be above their knees, and in extreme cases almost at chest level. Keep in mind that the upper level is flooding at a slightly slower pace so water on the first floor of homes should be thigh to chest height on your average human on the lower level, by this evening, and on the upper level, ground level rooms should be flooded thigh to waist high. By the morning, water levels should have reached shoulder height minimum, on the lower level and chest height on the upper level.

There will be exceptions to this, if your character's house has a particularly strong or weak foundation or is located in a rather high or low region of Purgatorium. On Saturday, the water level will be above everyone's head so the only way anyone is getting anywhere is by swimming to their destination, and then the nearest set of stairs - no exceptions.

The weather is drastically warmer, also. This water will be warm enough to swim comfortably - like a pool - by tomorrow morning. The sudden warmth is a freak incident that started with the flood (as it's the cause of it.) and everything will gradually go back to spring temperatures within the next week.

If there's anything else that needs to be covered, or that you're still confused on - do not hesitate to comment here or contact Ed, either in chat or on AIM at IcarusElric.

Also, for anyone who isn't aware - AIM chat is apurgatorium, feel free to invite yourself in whenever.

event, activity check, mod post, event: flood, plot

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