Death List

Jun 02, 2009 13:42

Everybody pay attention to this!

Okay, to help out Ed and the others, I'm going to put together a list of all the character deaths in Purgatory. If your character has ever died in the game, please comment here. I'll then tidy up the list and give it to Katie to put in the main comm.

You only have to make on comment, obviously, but you need to tell me about each death your character has faced. I don't care if your character had died twenty times, that just means your comment will be long.

Number of deaths:
Cause of death: Keep it simple, the name of the plot, the murderer or whatever will do.
Memory lost:

Fill that in for each time your character died. If your character regained a memory/memories let me know. Be honest, though I don't see why you'd lie, and this only applies to active characters. If you dropped someone and they're not coming back, obviously it isn't a problem. (If a character is on hiatus, and they're coming back, then yeah you need to fill it in).

Thanks, guys. *is a helper*

EDIT: If your character regained their memories, fill in this as well.

Memory regained"
Cause of regaining memory:
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