[Minato is laying back on his bed, reading a book. ...At least he was. Now it seems to have found its way over his face, protecting his eyes from that pesky little lamp at his bedside while he fades in and out of a nap, dreaming about eating a real meal or thinking about punching Shinjiro in his mouth. Or was that a dream too? He can very clearly hear the crack of a fist against teeth. No wait- that happens to be something in your room breaking from the earthquake happening around you, Minato, that you passed out and woke up to. Damn it.
Rolling off the bed, he grabs his Evoker and communicator off the nightstand and turns it on to address everyone.]
Earthquake- Everyone please remain calm! If there is any stable place close to you where you can protect yourself, please take shelter! Anyone with small children with you, make sure they're with you, in sight, and safe! Nanako-chan... Do NOT run out in search of anyone right now- take care of yourselves and anyone immediate to you. Officers, seek shelter- do not risk your lives right now. Everyone, Be. SAFE!
[The sound of a window sliding open as Minato stumbles his way to the fire escape in his bedroom. Of course he wouldn't take his own advice- he had to get out there and make sure he could help anyone that needs it. One foot out the window and clink, onto the fire escape, and he hears quiet shouting through the rumbling sound. It must have been coming from the hallway. Of course there are people there, Minato, you aren't the only one who lives in Latimir. And you know you have to help them...]
[Minato pulls back into the window and starts to run, unsteadily as the whole world just shakes around him, out of his bedroom and towards the door that would take him out into the main hallway of the building. He's about to get back to the communicator to inform the residents of Latimir that he's in the building and there to help when the massive rumbling is heard. Things breaking, booming sounds, the clattering as the comm hits the floor and Minato gasps quietly, maybe just a little hurt. Until what sounds like rocks, or concrete- something heavy, start to fall all around the comm. The quiet gasping becomes more muffled, as if he's biting his lips to avoid making a sound. One more loud thud and it's useless. He bites through his lip and screams until it's nothing but a raspy breath that croaks it's way out to the last.
It's the loudest sound anyone will ever hear Minato make. And the last one. At least for a while.]