Name: Kana
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twospiritContact Info: kana destination (AIM), spacemermaid (plurk), (email)
Other Characters Played: Yukimura Seiichi (
Preferred Housing: Since I already have a character on Kramden Road, if you could place him anywhere but there I would appreciate it!
Character Name: Tieria Erde
Character Series: Gundam 00
Character Age: Unknown, but appears to be around his mid to late teens, so he would qualify under a child slot.
Tieria's Gundam Wiki Entry. Taken from Season 1 Episode 25 (after he's released Nadleeh's GN Drive but before he's recovered by Celestial Being.)
Tieria is a person who was made for a purpose and always conscious of it. He had no childhood, instead brought into the world as a fully functioning being, both mentally and physically, and because of that he never had any room to be anything but what he was intended for. Due to his lack of freedom, he clung to routine and structure, preferring the stable and simple viewpoint of a black and white world where everything can be categorized as right and wrong. Veda would always provide the answer, and it would always be the correct one. For him, there was no middle ground and suggesting otherwise was considered blasphemous. Even after losing Veda, he still sought out figures of authority and yearned for their approval, such as looking to Lockon for becoming more human.
Because of his close and unique connection to Veda, as well as his clear sense of purpose, he held himself in a lofty position over the other members of Celestial Being. They were all faulty humans with flaws he had to keep an eye out for, lest they threaten to ruin the plan with their own incompetence. The Meisters, especially, were held to impossibly high standards; he wasn't made to be friends with them but to oversee them, and he criticized them harshly for any mistakes they made. He went so far as to threaten to kill one of them on multiple occasions when they stepped too far away from the mission plan, seeing that lack of perfection as a sign that they were unworthy of their position. However, he held himself to equal, if not higher standards. The slightest mistake on his part was enough to completely unravel him, as he broke into tears after revealing Nadleeh before the plan called for it, considering himself to be a failure.
As harsh and cruel as he can be, he's equally fragile. Having never really experienced any real pain, he's easily hurt and unable to cope with change or loss. To him, things were suppose to go exactly as planned, and when they didn’t it unnerved him. Losing Veda was something he couldn't possibly have imagined ever happening. It left him feeling alone and unsure, completely abandoned for reasons he didn’t know by something that had been a part of his entire life. Perhaps he even blamed himself a little for Veda's loss, and his self doubt caused him to frequently retreat away from the others to try and find his footing.
Tieria wasn't alone, even though he'd spent the entire time being less than pleasant. Thanks to influences of Ptolemaios' crew, most noticeably Lockon, he’d began to open up a little. He hesitantly came to accept them as Meisters, and even people, realizing that maybe the world wasn't as clear-cut as he thought it to be. He even began to enjoy and yearn for their company, wanting to become more human so that he could properly connect with them. After losing Veda and being encouraged to think on his own, Tieria realized that Veda hadn't been as pristine as he'd first thought, and decided that he wanted to follow Aeolia Schenberg's plan not because he was told to, but because he wanted to see it through. To him, he suddenly saw that there was hope for humanity and wanted to fight for it.
Intellectually smart but socially awkward, he still has a lot of emotional growing to do. Tieria doesn't trust easily, overly suspicious and cautious of people now that he doesn't have Veda to provide him with profiles and information. Having never had to deal with people outside of the close-knit group on the Ptolemaios, he's initially distrustful and wary of strangers. He's blunt and still quick to go on the defensive, his superior attitude an unfortunate leftover, but he's also one of the most loyal people known. He'll defend to the death the few people he considers friends and allies, though he has a bad habit of putting those closest to him on pedestals and becoming blind to their faults. There's a sort of purity about him and the way he holds an idolized light on the few things and people he believes in, trusting them endlessly while thinking them infallible.
Innovade: A 'race' of beings manufactured from specific DNA strands and nanotechnology to act as humanoid extensions of the super computer Veda and designed specifically for life in spaaaaace. They look human but don't age, are physically and mentally enhanced, and are able to use quantum brain waves and directly connect to Veda (and in Tieria's case, to their Gundams); it's theoretically possible they could connect to other machines, as well.
B-Level QBW User: Basically special brainwaves that can be used for telepathic communication. As a B-level user, Tieria is able to send, transmit, block, and intercept them from other users, though not to the same extent as an A-level user, a true Innovator.
Nanomachines: All members of Celestial Beings have nanomachines in their body to help keep their muscles from atrophying in zero gravity. As an Innovade, it's possible Tieria has a higher concentration of them and is able to use them more actively.
Other Talents of Note: Tieria is a trained fighter and a skilled gunman, though he specializes in programming and piloting giant robots. He is also a decent strategist when he needs to be.
Sample Entry:
d_m post.