Name: Anne
Nicknames: ...Kaguranne
Age: 19
Likes: manga/anime, sleeping, eating, reading, yaoi, vampires, funny
Dislikes: school, homework, noise, closed-mindedness, people in general...
Hobbies: manga/anime, drawing, listening to music, hanging with friends, being ridiculous
Favorite food:pizza, of course
Favorite animal:...Meow.
Shy or Outgoing?: Outgoing with people I'm close to, but shy otherwise
Hyper or Calm?: Generally calm, unless sleep-deprived
Three positive words to describe yourself:intelligent, supportive, loyal
Three negative words to describe yourself:lazy, procrastinating, nagging
Briefly describe your personality:I am usually calm and quiet, but with my friends I spaz over manga or whatever else I'm obsessed with at the time.
What qualities do you think are important in other people?intelligence, kindness, sense of humor
What is most important to you?happiness
If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be?random
Princess Princess
Who is your favorite character? Why?Sakamoto Akira because he's cute and funny and he TRIES...
Who is your least favorite character? Why?Sayaka 'cuz she's an annoying bitch
Favorite pairing:Tooru/Akira (random lol)
What’s your take on the Princess system?I think it has merit, but they shouldn't be failed if they refuse.
If given the opportunity to be a Princess, would you do it? Why or why not?Well, as a girl I certainly would have no problem with wearing pretty dresses. If I were a boy I think I would still do it because there are awesome benefits and it's fun to wear costumes. That's probably how I'd think of it. COSPLAY!
If you could be any character, who would it be? Why?Arisada. I think it be lotsa fun.
Do you have anything else you’d like to see added as a question or any suggestions you’d like to share?