(Hello, my name is Relle and I'll be your petenshi for this RP ^_^)
Character: Niou Masaharu
Age: 14
Series character is from: Prince of Tennis
Point of time in the series from which the characer is taken: National Tournament ish, manga canon
Sexual Orientation: Yagyuusexual Whatever amuses him the most, I suspect
Personality/Canon facts:
Member of RikkaiDai's tennis team. He's known as the Trickster, the Swindler, whatever -- he likes tricks and confusing his opponents however he can. His favorite tactic is turning into another person via hair, clothing, and personality changes -- he normally plays doubles with Yagyuu, and the two of them pretend to be each other. During the Nationals he takes this a step further by somehow completely becoming Tezuka; his moves, his appearance, his personality, everything, perfectly, thus perpetuating a horrid mindfuck on his opponent Fuji.
Niou doesn't appear very much in manga canon and is butchered with the rest of Rikkai in anime canon, but it's obvious enough that he's impertinent, loves playing pranks, loves having fun in general, and has some pretty unconventional ways of doing things. Initially he might not seem like as much of a threat as some of the other characters in the series, but in truth he's an excellent player and extremely intelligent; he has to be to pull off his style of playing. He also has a rather interesting relationship with Yagyuu which does not get explored enough in the canon, as far as I'm concerned, and is the only one with enough guts to smack Sanada.
He also says Puri~ a lot. Generally just after he owns you.
Anything else important about the character?:
Niou in 7 words: He likes to screw with your head.
Also, in the manga, Niou is currently in the middle of a match in Nationals canon, where he shows off some new skills that...don't really make sense. Who are they kidding when they say this is a sports manga? So, I might have to change some things here as the new manga chapters are released and I figure out what the hell's going on.
Sample Post:
Dammit, I am never taking the subway home with Akaya again; I TOLD him to wake me up when we got to my stop. Little brat just left me here, and now something screwy's happened. I'm sure the train was underground when I got on it, and I'm sure I was in Kanagawa, but now? Where the HELL am I? Is this even Japan?
This is probably Yagyuu's fault. He probably saw that I spiked Marui's water bottle and switched that one with mine. Damn you, Yagyuu. I ended up on some weird-ass train and I'm hallucinating parrots.
...Fine, I'll get off and check out that freaky-looking building over there. Your own fault if I don't show up to school tomorrow, Yagyuu~