This is the most random thing that had ever crossed my mind for today.
I had always wondered why I'm being born as a girl. It's not that I hate being a girl - oh hey I can play dress up show my bitchy side sometimes and it's fun to see people jaw dropping whenever i pulled that off since i'm a boyish girl LOL.
It's just that my mind doesn't function like a girl's (unless I'm having my menstruation where I get so emotional). Whenever I look at my girl friends, they are all primped up with dresses, skirts, make ups and stuff like that while I on the other hand never even bothered about it. Heck, I even went clueless at one point when my friend asked if my work place has a "every-girl-need-shops/boutiques" cuz she needs to buy something. The only shop I knew is just Guardian and Carina? -LOL pharmacy.
Owh and then this thoughts of "why don't i have a penis? Shit, I need to get off" ROFL. Don't ask me why, but shit, I always have those thoughts whenever I look at some of the pictures -coughgazeboyspicturescoughsomeotherjrocksartistscoughandsomeotherprettyfaceboys- and fuck, I don't wanna be fuck by them, I wanna fuck them instead -gets shot for too much information-
And people are wondering why the fuck am I posting these things here? Cuz no one from my cycle knows I have a livejournal (or do they? 8D)
So, I may have wore skirts, I may have even wore some girly attires but I wanted to preserve the boyish side of me. Be it my hair or my clothes or my accessories. And also the way I think. My ex even said I have a mind of a boy's (simple minded; well, it's not like i have ever gave a thought about things, is just that i preferred things to be simple when it's already fine that way. Why complicated things.. right?
Hurm, so yah. I've dumped this random thing i had in mind. and now, to resume....... uh.. fangirling? no no.. I'm looking for shoes~!