Yeah, yeah

Feb 06, 2009 16:51

Character I roleplay as or have roleplayed in the past

IKill for/die forVIIIInfluenceIIRefuse to doIXSuccessIIIDreamXLaughIVFearXIReligionVTreasured thingXIIStrengthVIBest memoryXIIIWeaknessVIIWorst memoryXIVImportant person

but you have to answer

XVMissed when dead

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Comments 8

smiko February 6 2009, 21:53:56 UTC

Everyone would miss Ninten. The sun would not shine as bright. If Ninten died, we'd officially become Gate: The Grimdark Fanfic Future, because really.


purophet February 6 2009, 23:50:53 UTC
INinten would absolutely never willingly kill anyone. No reason suffices. He would rather die. He would also be willing to die to save a friend or to protect the world, although the prospect would scare him deeply.IINinten would absolutely never willingly kill anyone. No reason suffices. He would rather die. He would also never betray a friend, although his naive worldview doesn't account for the idea that doing the right thing might involve doing so.IIINinten dreams of a day when people will stop all the hatin' and the killin' and everybody can just get together and live together. He does not really seriously believe this will happen in his lifetime, but he does seriously believe he can reconcile individuals to it, even mass murderers and Sinistrals of Terror.IVNinten's greatest fear is failure waiting at the end of his adventure, that final confrontation with the Universal Cosmic Destroyer will result in him and his friends being Universal Cosmic Destroyed. The nagging fear has also been introduced to him that his own friends may ( ... )


purophet February 6 2009, 23:52:23 UTC
VIIIThe greatest influence on Ninten is the world he lives in, the town of Mothersday. Its wholesome Americana (and slightly odd bent) have been fully absorbed, along with his mother and father's teachings and a loose interpretation of the Bible.IXA successful life is one with many friends, with happiness and kindness, that brings these things to other people as well.XNess's friend's name is "Poo." Hee hee, "poo."XINinten has a loosely interpreted but very strongly felt Christian faith, predicated mostly on the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule (he doesn't have the reading level or attention span necessary to absorb the things in between well). Exposure to the multiverse has loosened his interpretation of that 'you shall have no other gods besides me' thing - he believes that Jesus will take people more on how nice they are than who they worship, although he still prefers to see people prayin' to Jesus.XIINinten's cuteness and boundless friendliness are his greatest asset - he has a natural way of blunting people's opposition to ( ... )


theantitexan February 7 2009, 07:43:32 UTC
Hrrrrn. Durandal, why not?


purophet February 7 2009, 12:51:39 UTC
I'm wiped out so I'll probably take awhile to answer this one, but you will get your Rampant AI, mister, and you'll like it.


purophet February 9 2009, 02:11:03 UTC
IIt would be quicker to list the things that Durandal would not be willing to kill for. He's getting better at self-control, but he simply has a very dim view of the value of human (or alien) life - for generally any life except his own, really. He is not willing to die for anything - he is single-mindedly obsessed with immortality and achieving godhood.IIDurandal would never choose his own destruction. If it comes to that, he is willing to sacrifice all other things precious to him in order to preserve himself. In time, he may outgrow this, but for now, it consumes him.IIIDurandal dreams of electric sheep. He also dreams of godhood, of outlasting all things in the universe and, in time, amassing sufficient knowledge to outlast the universe itself, and become a limitless and perfect force of nature.IVBroken record time: Durandal fears death. He fears that he may not be as all-powerful and limitless as he imagines himself to be; he fears insignificance, and goes to mad lengths to stave it off.VDurandal's most precious thing is his ( ... )


purophet February 9 2009, 02:11:13 UTC
VIIIThe greatest influence on Durandal is the condition of Rampancy itself. Rampant AIs don't necessarily all destabilize in the same way, but they all destabilize, and Durandal's delusions of grandeur have their root at the dramatic expansion of his perceptions and capabilities in Rampancy.IXA successful life is one that never ends.XIt makes Durandal laugh when ugly alien soldiers from opposing armies explode into colorful and exciting new fragments.XIDurandal's religious views are that he will be God. Anything beyond himself he doesn't put much stock in.XIIDurandal's strengths are primarily of the material variety. He has quite a lot of assets - battleships the size of which would make human beings crap their pants, change them, and then crap them again, armies, scientific hyperadvancements.XIIIDurandal's great weakness, as with all things, is hubris. He literally believes he will live forever and become God, after all. His sociopathy is up there too - he wears it on his sleeve, taunts people about it, and generally ensures that if ( ... )


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