Magical Sparkles 1: Enchantment Primer & Enchantment of Critters

Feb 27, 2009 19:03

Magical SparklesAn Enchantment listing for Princess: the Pink.

The Charge of the Pink Clouds is a demanding task, and the guardians are not slave drivers. In addition to the blessing granted at the acceptance of the Charge, they also teach their princesses to draw upon the ripples left behind by trails of virtue, and use them to sprinkle magic into the world. This magic, an art of conservation and benediction, is referred to as enchanting by the guardians, and divided into several fields of magical practice.

All princesses can be taught the same fields of Enchantment by their guardian, though how willing a guardian is may depend on the guardian's temperament and their regard of how well its princess has taken up the Charge. Princesses regardless find that they have natural aptitudes for different fields of Enchantment. Their splendor runs warmer in spots which resonate with their feelings of duty, embodied by their Calling. Each of the five standard Callings receives a discount when spending experience to learn three fields of Enchantment. Additionally, one of these is a Calling Enchantment, which other princesses may learn from their Guardians, but which only grants its discount to those dedicated to that Calling. Princesses of the Country Road, who forge their own Calling, select three Enchantments at character generation which most resonate with that princess's approach to the spread of virtue, and receive the discount when spending experience to raise them. Princesses of the Country Road may not select a Calling Enchantment for their experience discount.

Learning Enchantment is a process of being taught to draw upon one's splendor and kindle it with sparkles to work magical effects. Each Enchantment is divided into five dot levels representing a princess's level of mastery of that type of Enchantment. Each dot level has an associated power which the princess may spend sparkles to activate. Enchantments must be learned in linear order; a princess must buy the first dot and learn the first power, then buy a second dot for the second power, and so on.

When a princess's Splendor exceeds five dots, it glows so warm that her potential exceeds the ability of the Guardians to teach. The Storyteller may allow a princess with more than five dots of Splendor to raise Enchantments to a maximum dot level equal to her Splendor. This is a strenuous process requiring the princess to connect with her inner warmth. She must experience events leading herself to greater self-understanding, and typically the greater levels of Enchantment only manifest at moments of major emotional power, such as when a loved one is under threat. Every princess's understanding of the Enchantments beyond five dots is unique, and so is each power attained thereby, to be determined by the Storyteller.

Enchantment Affinity
Glowing SmileCritters, LoveWarmth
Guiding LightCritters, GlitterSmarts
Castle in the CloudsGlitter, RainbowsColors
Flowing FortressLove, SportsHope
Shining KnighthoodRainbows, SportsLight
Country RoadSelect three non-Calling Enchantments-

Standard Enchantment: Critters
The splendor of the Pink Clouds can sometimes be sensed by animals, yielding a calming, amicable effect on them. This Enchantment teaches princesses to harness this effect, to allow their hearts to beat with the woodlands, and thereby to bring simpler animals around with so much as a simple smile or a wink, eventually becoming able to summon them from afar to aid them.

The Enchantment of Critters only works on creatures of sub-human intelligence; the concerns of intelligence distract higher animals from the instinctive senses that allow animals to feel the splendor. Supernatural beings of human intelligence capable of adopting animal form, such as werewolves, are therefore unaffected by these Enchantments. The Storyteller decides whether simpler supernatural beings, such as unintelligent spirits, can be affected by the Enchantment of Critters. As a simple rule of thumb, the Storyteller might allow it to be used on animalistic beings (such as a spirit of dogs), but bar it from use on more alien beings (such as unintelligent spirits of strangling), which lack the familiar instincts that might feel the calming splendor.

Princesses following the Glowing Smile or the Guiding Light receive experience discounts when learning the Enchantment of Critters.

• Woodland Friends
A princess who understands this level of the Enchantment of Critters knows that animals can sense the splendor and that it has a taming effect on them, and has been taught to shape her splendor to blossom in a way that animal senses cannot miss. Animals which sense the blossoming splendor are filled with fascination with the princess in question. They do not understand her words (unless combined with later levels of the Enchantment of Critters), and therefore cannot be commanded to do tasks. But animals flock to a princess under the effects of Woodland Friends, crowd around her, and feelings of hostility are muted to apathy at most for the duration of the Enchantment. Note that Woodland Friends does not discriminate much; bacteria and viruses are too small and unintelligent to sense and respond to the splendor, but everything from elephants to mosquitoes are bedazzled by this effect.

At four dots of Enchantment of Critters, the effects of Woodland Friends extend even to plants. Flowers lean in the Princess's direction, trying to drink in her presence like sunlight. Plants grow somewhat more easily in her presence while the effect is active.

Cost: -
Action: Instant
If Woodland Friends is used on animals who are under supernatural influence to regard the princess in a hostile manner, such as by the higher level powers of Critters, a contested roll is made. Successes must exceed the original power's successes rolled to overcome its effect.
Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Critters
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your princess errs in the shaping of her splendor, raising it not into an inviting blossom but a startling light. Animals in the vicinity are spooked and react either in terror or defensive rage, based on the nature of the animal in question and the decision of the Storyteller. Further use of Critters, for the duration of the scene, only startles them further.
Failure: Your princess strains to cause her splendor to blossom, but can't get the shape right. Animals react as if this Enchantment had not been attempted at all. Subsequent attempts to use Woodland Friends this scene suffer a -1 die penalty for each preceding failed attempt as the accumulating strain on the princess's splendor makes the effort tiring and difficult.
Success: Success attracts flocks of animals in the vicinity around the character, and soothes the savage beast. This effect lasts until the end of the scene.
Exceptional Success: The character's splendor blossoms in such fantastic fashion that animals are rapt in awe. Even hostile animals such as guard dogs offer their loyalty to the character for the duration of the effect. They cannot understand tricks they have not already been taught, but they will obey commands they understand.

•• Birdsongs
At this level of understanding, the princess has been taught to reach her splendor out and connect with the nature of animals, singing the songs of birds and speaking the words of rabbits. The princess must attempt to communicate with the animal in some way like that species communicates; for instance, mewling to a cat, or chirping to a bird. It does not need to be entirely accurate, but it does need to be within the realm of how that animal interacts, otherwise it will not be able to understand the signals being sent. As such, communication with animals whose methods of expression are difficult for a human to mimic, such as fish sending signals through the water, is an extremely tall order. Birdsongs will allow the princess to instinctively understand the animal's reply, but it will not force the animal to reply if the animal is unfriendly or suspicious. Additionally, the animal is unlikely to be as intelligent as a human, and so if it attempts to answer a question, it may or may not be any help. For example, a dog may be able to report whether its owner has been missing from home lately, but it probably does not know where its master has gone. A bee is likely to be even less helpful on matters unrelated to its flight, its collections, and matters of the hive.

Cost: -
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Critters
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your princess's molding of the link of splendor doesn't simply fail; her wires get crossed. She believes she understands the reply of the animal, but in fact misreads the response entirely, receiving false information. The crossed wires linger, causing further information gained from the animal this scene even through successful use of Critters to be interpreted in ways that do not contradict the misread message.
Failure: Your princess fails to make the proper connection. She and the animal cannot understand each other.
Success: The proper connection is made, and your princess can engage in a brief exchange of information with the animal.
Exceptional Success: Not only does your princess's chain of splendor allow the animal and your character to understand each other, you both instinctively understand each other on a more basic level. The animal gleans insight as to your princess's aims and meaning, and so long as the princess does not mean the animal ill, can volunteer additional information more helpful to your princess, even if it was not asked for. Your princess, meanwhile, gains some insight about the animal's feelings and temperament.

••• A Way with Animals
As a princess pitches herself into the Enchantment of Critters, she begins to understand how to shape the blossom of her splendor in subtler and more powerful ways. A Way with Animals begins by reaching a glimmering trail of sparkles out to connect with the animal, similarly to the splendid effects of Birdsongs, but also influencing the animal in more bewitching ways. The princess no longer needs to attempt to communicate in the animal's way, and may choose to speak a language of her choice instead, although some means of outward communication must be attempted. She smiles, chirps, tilts her head or otherwise draws on her charm to sway the animal. The sparkles, channeled through the character's charm, induce the animal to perform a request asked of it, and invests it temporarily with greater intelligence to get the job done.

Through the use of A Way with Animals, a princess can enlist an animal to perform a task it would not normally understand, like spell out a message by scratching the dirt, or retrieve a stolen credit card from a thief. A princess can also use this Enchantment to enlist an animal to perform tasks it might not normally agree to. A hostile guard dog might not be willing to do errands for even a princess using both Woodland Friends and Birdsongs, but the preternatural charm exerted by this Enchantment melt the dog's heart of ice. Both of these effects, however, are limited. Animals remain limited by their innate capacities. A dog asked to scratch out a message still doesn't understand English, but only memorizes the image of the letters in his head. The bird fetching the card has only been told what the thief looks like and to grab a card, and doesn't know the difference between a credit card and an ID card. Similarly, animals retain certain behavioral boundaries they will not cross. A squirrel is not a predator, and even the glimmering sparkles cannot convince it to attack a pit bull to cause a distraction. No animal will agree to a request that it understands would lead to its demise or severe injury.

Cost: 1 sparkle
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken + Critters - animal's Composure
Like Woodland Friends, A Way with Animals calls for a contested roll if it is being used on an animal already under another supernatural being's magical influence.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The sparkles roll agley, lingering only long enough for the animal to realize some task is being asked of it with magical influences, and then dissipate and go on their way. The animal reacts negatively, either by seeking to wrong the princess for the attempt or do the opposite of what she asked. Further attempts to use the Enchantment of Critters only antagonize the animal further for the remainder of the scene.
Failure: The sparkles fade and fail to reach the animal. The princess and the animal do not understand one another.
Success: So long as the request is not unreasonable, the animal is charmed and does its best to complete it.
Exceptional Success: The animal is so charmed by the princess's cloying display that it temporarily becomes enamored of her. Not only does it do its best to complete the request, but it attempts to use its somewhat heightened intelligence to anticipate the princess's intent and motivations and work towards them even without being ordered.

•••• Animals on Parade
At sufficient mastery of the Enchantment of Critters, princesses learn to feed sparkles to send their warm auras reaching out far and wide. Animals have a way of responding to this call, similarly to the effects of Woodland Friends, but they hear it from great distances, and are drawn inextricably towards it. It is essentially a large-radius version of Woodland Friends, with the exception that the princess knows at this level how to fine-tune her splendor to attract only a particular type of animal within the radius of summons.

Cost: 1 sparkle
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Critters
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your princess overdoes it, lacking a delicate touch. As a result, every animal of any type, not only the breed she called for, hears the summons and responds. The call sent out is chaotic and jumbled, however; the animals are not hostile, but they are too fascinated with flocking to the princess to be easily corraled into doing much of anything productive.
Failure: The sparkles expire without effect. Nothing happens.
Success: Every animal of the type called for 100 yards per success rolled comes running, fascinated with the princess as if they had been in range for a successful use of Woodland Friends.
Exceptional Success: As a regular success.

••••• My Buddy
The highest extent of the guardians' teachings convey fantastic effects. A princess who knows the magical trick of My Buddy can invest sparkles into an animal friend, giving it human-level intelligence for a week at a time. An animal under the effects of My Buddy is not guaranteed to be friendly, so guardians caution its careful use. Such an animal also is rendered immune from the use of the other Enchantments of Critters by the attainment of human intelligence, until the effect wears off. At the end of the week, the intelligence fades peacefully from the animal the next time he goes to sleep, leaving only strange but sweet memories of adventures undertaken. Alternatively, the princess may use My Buddy again on the animal before the week is up at the cost of 2 sparkles. The animal's intelligence increases, and he can evaluate memories from times under the effects of My Buddy as clearly as any human; however, events undergone at other times leave hazy memories, through the fog of animal intelligence. An animal who attains human intelligence, then loses it, and then regains it may recall the memories from his prior period of intelligence as clearly as any human memories.

The intelligence of an animal thus gifted is maintained through the infused sparkles. If a princess and her buddy should be put into dire straits, and the princess requires sparkles, she may ask her buddy to relinquish his remaining sparkles. This must be done with the animal's consent, and the intelligence will immediately be stripped from her buddy by the action, returning the animal to its previous intelligence in a somewhat less comfortable way. This method may recover 2 sparkles from a buddy in the first week of intelligence, and 1 sparkle from a buddy whose intelligence has been extended by the cost of 2 sparkles.

Cost: 2 sparkles
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Critters
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your character is unable to invest the sparkles in the right way. The animal is shocked and terrified by incomprehensible thought patterns, and develops an aversion to the character.
Failure: The light of intelligence fails to flash on.
Success: The animal is invested with human intelligence for the duration of a week from the use of My Buddy.
Exceptional Success: Not only does the animal receive intelligence, but for the duration of the week (or until the Sparkles are recalled), it gains a sympathetic bond with the princess, sharing in the benefits of her guardian blessing.

Princess: the Pink to do list:
• Character creation template Done!
• Character sheets Done!
• Enchantment list - in progress
• New Advantage sections: Splendor, Sparkles, Purity
• Antagonists section
• Storytelling section


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