Magical SparklesAn Enchantment listing for Princess: the Pink.
Calling Enchantment: Warmth
Princesses of the Pink Clouds know the power of splendor to have a special inner warmth. Its light swaddles and soothes, calms and reassures. The gift of the Glowing Smile is Warmth. A princess fans her warmth, and it spreads outward, so that all those around her can feel it in their heart.
Princesses following the Glowing Smile receive experience discounts when learning the Enchantment of Warmth.
• Sparkle Motion
The simplest way for a princess to reach her warmth out to others is through simply throwing sparkles into the air to shine around her. A princess draws sparkle magic through her body, her voice, and her expressions to bless herself with an enchanted poise. Whether she is delivering a performance or simply getting to know someone, her every action graced with charm. No one can resist being bedazzled by the sight of Sparkle Motion in practice. The princess may use Sparkle Motion to enhance her actions whenever she would normally roll Expression, Persuasion, or Socialize for a social action she wishes to impress people with.
Cost: -
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Expression/Persuasion/Socialize + Warmth
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your character lays it on a little thick, and people sense that there's something a little off, or find her oversweet and cloying. She is not received well.
Failure: Your character doesn't know how to draw the sparkle magic quite the right way for the reaction she's looking for. She'll have to settle for mundane means of impression this scene.
Success: Your character's performance or socialization is exceptionally charming; depending on her intention and the situation, she might do anything from astonish and bedazzle an audience to simply make a glowing first impression on someone important.
Exceptional Success: Your character isn't just dazzling, she's unforgettable. Spectators are deeply impressed, and your character receives +2 bonus dice when using nonmagical social rolls on them in the future. This bonus can be lost through disruptions as memorable as the performance-being caught having beaten a person into the ground, for example, even if that person is secretly the disguise of a demon.
•• Who, Me?
The innocence of a princess is empowered by the Charge such that it sometimes seems palpable, and even nonmagical people can sense it. She could never be the cause of any wrongdoing; her purity washes off her in waves. All a princess need do is give an adorable smile, or a twirl in the air, or some other little gesture, and share some kind of little white lie. Lies that are patently false ("you didn't just see me jump that fence, it must have been swamp gas;" "I'm the security guard working this beat, not you") won't work, but a little magical twinkle is all she needs to make the vaguely plausible sound trustworthy and certain ("oh, that sound was just me dropping something;" "I didn't hurt him, sir, it was the one-armed man!").
Cost: -
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Warmth - target's Streetwise
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your princess lays it on a little thick. Not only is the target unconvinced, but he hears something "off" in the way the lie is told. He probably doesn't know it's magic, but he's suspicious that something is up.
Failure: The magic does not flow; your character will have to hope somebody will swallow her lie itself without any assistance, because that's all she's got.
Success: The innocence washes off your character in waves, and the target can't bear to think that what she has said might not be the gospel truth.
Exceptional Success: Your character's charm is boundless; the target not only believes her, but feels motivated to help her with her situation in whatever way. Your character receives a +2 bonus on nonmagical social rolls to affect the target in the future, which may be lost as with the exceptional success bonus from Sparkle Motion.
Suggested Modifiers:
-Who, Me? is used on one target.
-1Who, Me? is used on two targets at once.
-2Who, Me? is used on three targets at once.
-3Who, Me? is used on five targets at once.
-4Who, Me? is used on ten targets at once.
-5Who, Me? is used on twenty targets at once.
••• Contagious Spirits
With this Enchantment, when you laugh, the whole world laughs with you. As a princess comes to understand warmth, she learns to begin to ripple it outward in stronger ways, resonating with the color of her inner light. Good cheer, determination, solemn respect; whatever the situation demands for the light of virtue to shine on the world, the princess comes equipped. It doesn't matter what she's doing at the time; all she needs is proximity and a little sparkle magic to spare to feed her inner light. Contagious Spirits must be used to spread an emotion that the princess herself is feeling at the time.
Cost: 1 sparkle
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Warmth - target's Composure
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your character's splendor takes on colors unintended. The target of Contagious Spirits is induced towards emotion, but the emotion is not the one intended but something quite wrong; despair instead of cheeriness, anger instead of peacefulness.
Failure: Your character fails to induce her chosen emotion.
Success: Your character's spirits are preternaturally contagious. They spread to the target, who may not understand where his newfound spring of emotion comes from, but is unlikely to question it.
Exceptional Success: Your character's spirits are catching so well that she doesn't even need any magic to spread them. In addition to the effects of success, recover the sparkle spent to activate Contagious Spirits.
Suggested Modifiers:
-Contagious Spirits is used on one target.
-1Contagious Spirits is used on two targets at once.
-2Contagious Spirits is used on three targets at once.
-3Contagious Spirits is used on five targets at once.
-4Contagious Spirits is used on ten targets at once.
-5Contagious Spirits is used on twenty targets at once.
•••• Heartfelt Declaration
A princess who understands Warmth knows how to sound it out with her voice, suffuse it into her words, and pour her heart out into the world. The strength of her heart is her power, and so, therefore, is the sound of her heart. Those who hear it can be stirred to do their absolute best. A princess using Heartfelt Declaration selects one target and delivers a speech, pouring her heart out to remind that person of what support she has behind her and of the heights she can attain, or the heights of virtue she is out to defend. The princess may choose herself as the target, in which case she still must deliver the speech out loud, reiterating her motivations and the support she has behind her. Upon completion of her speech, she grants fortitude and blessing upon the recipient of the Heartfelt Declaration, enabling them to reach for the stars on their next effort.
Cost: 1 sparkle
Action: Instant
A proper Heartfelt Declaration can be spilled out in the heat of battle, but it is a lengthy act. The princess must spend at least three combat turns delivering her Heartfelt Declaration, and spends the sparkle, makes her roll, and activates the power on her final turn. She may move or perform simple miscellaneous actions during these turns, but she may not make an attack or perform any action which would be too distracting from her Heartfelt Declaration, and the speech itself counts as an instant action on all three (or more) turns. If she is disrupted at any point before her final turn, such as by taking damage, being grappled, being tripped, or anything else that would prevent her from continuing her Heartfelt Declaration fluidly, the moment is ruined. She must start over from the first turn when she next acts, or give up on the Heartfelt Declaration for now. The Storyteller may wish to award bonus dice for a Heartfelt Declaration delivered successfully in the heat of combat for more than three turns.
Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Warmth
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Heartfelt Declaration is clumsy, awkward, or falls on deaf ears. Your princess is crestfallen to pour her heart out and see no one stirred, or if she is trying to encourage herself, she finds herself doubting her own words as she speaks them. Your character loses a point of Willpower.
Failure: Your character's Heartfelt Declaration doesn't do much of anything.
Success: The glowing encouragement of your character's Heartfelt Declaration stirs the recipient on to do her best and work harder. The recipient adds all successes rolled on Heartfelt Declaration to the dice pool for her next actively performed action (not passive reflexive actions, such as resisting mental influence or rolling Stamina to avoid passing out from injuries).
Exceptional Success: As a success.
••••• Aura of Peace
The greatest expression of a princess's warmth is peace and harmony. She gives off a sacrosanct glow that even the most profane cannot bring themselves to sully with acts of violence or wrath. A princess invests a tithe of sparkle magic to stir her Aura of Peace, and all present feel a deep inner peace and a celestial urge towards friendship and understanding. These things are not forced, but those within the halo find it difficult to bring themselves to direct opposition to the feeling, in the form of a direct attempt to harm another living thing. The effects of the halo hold sway over everything from humans to animals to supernatural beings to even demons.
Cost: 2 sparkles
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Composure + Warmth
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The magic of the Aura of Peace is too much for your character to maintain within herself. It collapses, and the failure of peace wreaks havoc on your character's splendor and finds expression through her state of health. Take two points of lethal damage.
Failure: Your character fails to create an Aura of Peace.
Success: An Aura of Peace is created for a radius of ten yards all around her, lasting for a number of turns equal to the successes rolled. The Aura of Peace follows your character as she moves. While in the Aura of Peace, any living (or undead) thing attempting to attack another being must first reflexively roll Resolve + Composure in a contested roll against the number of turns of Aura of Peace remaining. If he does not roll more successes than there are turns of Aura of Peace remaining, he cannot bring himself to make the attack. The character who activated Aura of Peace may attack any being as normal without needing to make this roll first. However, if a character maintaining Aura of Peace should at any point make an attack on another being, the Aura of Peace immediately dissipates, no matter how many turns had been remaining. The Aura of Peace is only maintained by the peace and harmony cultivated in the heart of the princess using it.
Exceptional Success: As a success.
Suggested Modifiers:
-2A being under the magical influence of a demon is within the area that would be affected by Aura of Peace.
-4A demon is within the area that would be affected by Aura of Peace.
Princess: the Pink to do list:
• Character creation template
Done!• Character sheets
Done!• Enchantment list - in progress
• New Advantage sections: Splendor, Sparkles, Purity
• Antagonists section
• Storytelling section