Title: One small change
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR7
Warnings: AU ,
Word Count: 159
Author's Notes: Set after the first movie. Kyle’s words courtesy of IMDB, so sorry if they’re not exact.
Sarah Conner looked down at the child in her arms. She remembered what Kyle had said to her about the future “But there was one man who taught us to fight. … John Connor. Your son, Sarah, your unborn son”.
This child was the first indication that there is no fate but what we make for ourselves, in other words their action had changed the future enough that the one Kyle had come from would never occur. Still, it would be prudent to raise this child to be the kind of leader Kyle had described John as being, the skills could only be useful no matter what career was chosen. Better to be prepared for a post apocalyptic future that never happened, then not be prepared for one that did.
The duty nurse entered the room.
“Have you decided on a name yet?”
“Yes. I think that Kylie Reese Conner is a wonderful name for a girl, don’t you?”