Title: An easier life?
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR14
Warnings: AU, crack ,
Word Count: 350
Author's Notes: Written under the influence being part of the crew for Shout: The Legend of the Wild One, and by the image of Ranma in leather pants in the back of a Rolls Royce. Megumi Hayashibara sang some of the songs for the Ranma Anime.
Ranma Saotome jumped into the Rolls Royce that was waiting for him at the curb, yelling at the driver to go, go, GO. They quickly pulled away from the screaming fan girls who had lain in wait outside the studio.
Relaxing into the leather, he hummed his latest tune while he thought about the day he had had. Firstly there had been his parents, his mother looking at the top hits chart o see where he was, to see if he was a star among stars, while his father was recovering from a hangover, all the while muttering something about a promise to record a song with the Tendos.
He had straightened that out quickly enough. While they were decent, in a girl band way, none of them were in his league. He had to admit that the youngest had some natural talent, but not enough to be great without her putting serious effort into her vocal training.
Even getting to the studios hadn’t given him a break. The old ghoul in charge of Amazon records waylaid him in the breakroom, trying to get him to sign with them - and not so incidentally form a band with their top singer (who had experienced some low rating songs recently). Then he met his old bandmates - one of whom wanted to reform the band, while the other claimed that Ranma was out to deliberately destroy his career.
The local nutcases were also out in full force - which included the managing director, pervert that he was. Why was it that the music industry attracted people who thought they had more talent then they really had? Walking past studio two he had been unfortunate enough to hear the combination of Hawaiian music with traditional Japanese instruments and vocals ala Megumi Hayashibara. Even the mere memory of the sound produced caused him to shudder.
On days like today he wondered if the music was worth putting up with this lifestyle and the other artists. Maybe if he had followed his father’s other dream of being a martial artist he would have had a quieter life…