Title: In the pale moonlight
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR14
Warnings: AU, implied death ,
Word Count: 168
Author's Notes: What if Jonathon Harker had been turned before leaving the castle?
Jonathon Harker looked out from the window of his room in the historic castle at the rising moon. In the courtyard below he could hear the voices of women. Looking down he saw the four women dancing in the moonlight - the three original ‘brides’ and their newest sister, Lucy Westenra.
Hearing a rustle from behind him, he turned to see his sister-wife rising from her daytime slumber. He thought that she looked even more beautiful in the pale moonlight then ever she did in the harsh light of day. Greeting her with a kiss on her lips, he brought her over to the window to see how well Lucy was adapting to their new life.
Suddenly the figures below were joined by a fifth, their father-liege Count Dracula. Knowing that it was time to feed, they made their way down to the courtyard in order to join the rest of their family in the hunt for substance, leaving behind the cracked mirror which only reflected the empty room.