Evil Chibi Cloud

Aug 24, 2012 19:02

Drive-by chibi fill for the Summer H/C Comment Fic Meme on hoodie_time

A tiny raincloud hovers over Dean's head for hours and keeps him soaking wet. He gets sick because umbrellas/the concept of covering yourself doesn't exist anymore. :(

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purple carpets dabbles in art, dean, supernatural, commentfic, sort of almost fluff, hurting dean is like crack to me, sam

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Comments 29

apieceofcake August 24 2012, 17:48:17 UTC
LOL! Poor Dean! Lovely!!


purple_carpets August 25 2012, 08:17:57 UTC

Thank you!


cassiopeia7 August 24 2012, 18:05:32 UTC
EEEE! Freckles!! And I love his emerald eyes!

Aww, but poor Dean -- no umbrellas? Where is ginormous Sam to keep off some of the downpour?


purple_carpets August 25 2012, 08:19:56 UTC
Chibi freckles!!! They're the best thing ever!

Heh, I actually wanted to do one with them cuddling and Sammy wrapping his ginormous frame around Dean to keep the evil cloud away, but nothng I did worked out (possibly, because 'chibi' and 'ginormous' don't really go together)


somer August 24 2012, 18:07:10 UTC
Oh my god...in this one I'm definitely Sam, lying on the floor and laughing my ass off!!! Poor, adorable Dean! :D


purple_carpets August 25 2012, 08:22:09 UTC
I think it just proves what I've been saying all along. Boy's too adorably pretty when he's hurt. :P


geckoholic August 24 2012, 18:48:13 UTC
OH GOD. WHAT. *rolls off the sofa laughing* It ~is oddly cute, though. Heh! XD


purple_carpets August 25 2012, 08:23:03 UTC

I saw the prompt and then I was drawing chibi!Dean. xD


lipsticknguns August 24 2012, 19:37:44 UTC
Ohh, this is absolutely adorable. <3 Thank you for the fill.


purple_carpets August 25 2012, 08:23:29 UTC

Thanks so much. I'm glad you liked it.


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