
Oct 05, 2014 17:52

Okay, posting to LJ. I know how to do this. It's gotta be like riding a bike, right ( Read more... )

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Comments 32

borgmama1of5 October 5 2014, 16:10:31 UTC
I'm still here!

I enjoyed your fanfic.

Are you looking forward to season 10?


purple_carpets October 5 2014, 20:08:09 UTC

I'm...not quite sure. I kinda lost interest in SPN halfway through season 7, stopped watching alltogether after that terrible episode with the magic-make-you-see-hellhounds hipster glasses. But I've been rewatching some of the early episodes recently, and a couple of friends have been telling me it's gotten a lot better again, so I'm thinking maybe I want to get back into it for real. Do you think I'd be totally lost if I just jumped into S10?


borgmama1of5 October 5 2014, 20:28:33 UTC
You'd need an update or it wouldn't make sense...I did a rewatch/recap on my blog over the last couple weeks starting at the end of season 6...not completely sure if it would fill in out the blanks or not...


purple_carpets October 5 2014, 20:45:38 UTC
Damn, I don't think I can find the time to binge watch some 40 episodes right now. I will check out your recaps. I've never been able to force myself to care about the finer intricacies of the myth arcs, if they don't directly impact the brothers' relationship. So as long as I have a general idea of why the world is ending and who the bad guys are, I might just be fine, plot wise.


zana_zira October 5 2014, 16:18:49 UTC
purple_carpets October 5 2014, 20:21:31 UTC
yeah, I remember people complaining about LJ dying, back when I joined up in 2011, but it's nothing compared to the sad wasteland that seems to be my flist when I check it now. It's just the way of the internet, I guess. New kids move on to new, much cooler places. It's such a shame though, because even if I don't see myself writing right now, I've been getting back into reading and meta and squeeing and as far as I'm concerned, LJ was the perfect forum for that.


zana_zira October 5 2014, 23:11:48 UTC

tifaching October 5 2014, 16:33:28 UTC
Nope, lots of us still hanging out. Miss you and your marvelous fic around these parts. Good to know you're not dead. :)


purple_carpets October 5 2014, 20:38:17 UTC
*sigh* everything just seems so empty. I was thinking about the old hoodie time memes the other day, which is actually what prompted me to log in and see if anybody was even still around, so I went and checked out the comm and the last couple of memes just felt off. I dunno, maybe it's me who's changed and LJ is still the same just smaller. Or it's not LJ that's different, but SPN fandom? I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on it, I just know I miss parts of online fandom and I'm finding bits and pieces of the things I'm looking for, but they're scattered across too many different websites and the codeswitching between those different communities is making my head spin.

lol, "marvelous fic", some of the stuff I came up with makes me cringe so hard


jesseofthenorth October 5 2014, 18:42:05 UTC
Hey! So glad to see you back!
I am still here on LJ hanging on by my fingernails.
I guess having a tumblr is ;the thing', I have one (TWO) as well. But if I want to have actual conversations with peiople LJ is where I do that.
There are many pretty things on Tumblr but it is not as personal.
Hope you stick around for a while :DD


purple_carpets October 5 2014, 20:59:10 UTC
Yeah, I have always been suspicious of the whole tumblr thing, how it's all about notes and the interface seems to be set up to actively discourage discussion (fucking bizarre...), which in turn seems to lead to a lot of hilarious shouting and misunderstandings. But yeah, it seems like it's not even the cool fandom thing to have, anymore. It's kind of like the only option if you want to have the slightest idea what's going on, so I figured I might as well give it a go. I'm telling myself that I'll be able to stay away from the nonsense and just look at the pictures. If I feel like being needlessly confrontational and being called names for liking an unpopular character, I can always go on reddit.


jesseofthenorth October 5 2014, 21:03:25 UTC
heh, ah reddit the angry, crazy uncle of the internet.
Is there a cool fandom thing to have these days? I feel pretty out of the loop over here on LJ ;)


purple_carpets October 5 2014, 23:43:02 UTC
ha, but really, reddit is so much fun if you go in, expecting at least half of the usebase to hate you for one reason or another. I've always been kind of secretly annoyed by the overt niceness of LJ and fandom in general, so they balance each other out quite well.

Man, I don't know. You'd have to ask someone who didn't spend the last year fighting for shitty hostel wifi. It certainly feels cooler and younger than LJ...


somer October 5 2014, 18:42:41 UTC
STILL HERE! A little older, a little bit more kinkier. But still kicking. :)

Glad to hear from you!


purple_carpets October 5 2014, 21:01:26 UTC
Haha, I've been told that's the way it's supposed to be. How else are we supposed to deal with getting older, anyway?


somer October 6 2014, 19:49:42 UTC
Dude, what is it with you and saying in the comments here that after re-reading your fics you never want to touch a keyboard. JUST NOPE :P I still LOVE all your fics to pieces!!!

And I would say, go with season 10, just watch it. I think it's gonna be awesome, a little bit refreshing (don't know how much you know about what happened in the last season). But I think a lot of people who lost a little interest are pretty excited about the new season.

Oh, and if you need some recs of fics, scream. I have TONS for you ;)


purple_carpets October 6 2014, 22:47:50 UTC
Ha, I went back and read some of them, that's what's up. The purely technical issues get better around the time I stopped using the purple headers (and it's actually kind of interesting to see how my use of language developed over time, I guess) but God, some of that shit screams "angsty teenager with way too big an opinion on her writing skills" so loud, I might as well have been wearing neon warning signs. Ugh ( ... )


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