So since my last entry I've managed to have a bit of a breakdown. I know, these things can happen so quickly. Since it is one in the morning and I have no one to talk to and I know that I'll just cry myself to sleep if I don't do something, I am writing here
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Comments 4
I miss you, even if we've drifted apart. It makes me sad that you would even THINK these things about yourself, because they are very far from the truth. This entry is old-- I hope that things have changed since, and if they haven't, I am here to smack some sense into you, metaphorically.
I know you're in SD still, but I'm always a phone call or AIM message away. My phone number hasn't changed (it ends in 7724 if you're wondering if you have the right one), and my AIM is some other sun.
I love you. You deserve to be happy.
I love you too
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