I think I really put my foot in it. Again.
I've volunteered to do a seminar.
Dr Alison Ruth will present a seminar titled "Collaborative technologies in learning and teaching: Demistifying Wikis" on Monday 25th September, 2006 in the Boardroom, Level 1, N63, Nathan Campus, commencing at 2:00PM.
Collaborative technologies in learning and teaching: Demistifying Wikis
Collaborative internet technologies offer many challenges and opportunities for learning and teaching. One of these technologies, a wiki, is currently being used in the course 'Information Communication Technologies' in the Department of Management. But what does it do? How does it change learning? and Why would we want to use it?
This seminar will provide a brief overview of the current use of wikis for learning focusing particularly on the current project. It will demonstrate the potential for fostering collaborative workspaces and group interactions that comes with using a wiki. Other examples (of wikis being used for teaching and learning) will be available to demonstrate different approaches and possibilities to move beyond using technology to teach just technology.
Alison Ruth is a geek extraordinaire who takes perverse pleasure in playing with new technologies. She completed her PhD on the sociocultural implications of online learning environments at Griffith in 2005. She is currently on a Griffith E-Learning Fellowship to investigate the use of wikis for learning and teaching. She likes purple.
That Bio? It has a question mark. It was meant to be modified before it was sent out. I hate writing those things. I always make fun of them. But. This time, it backfired. Now EVERYONE knows I like purple.
In other news, I threw a minor tanty today. Spat the dummy well and truly. But I still have to do everything that nobody else wants to. Does that sound familiar?