So the lovely
lynzie914 had these prompts
Pick a trope/AU from this list and provide a fandom/pairing and I’ll tell you something about the story I’d write for that combination (i.e. I’ll write you fic or mini fic or a drabble probably. Most likely fic if the last time was anything to go by.)
• Noir AU
• Police Procedural AU
• Reluctant teammates that save the world together AU
• Platonic living together AU
• Lawyers AU
• Stuck-in-an-airport-because-the-flights-were-SO-VERY-delayed-and-it’s-like-two-am AU
• Sent to live with cousins AU
• Fairytale AU
• Pretending to be siblings because of reasons AU
• Forget high school students AU I want a high school teachers AU
• Supernatural hunters AU
• Law school AU
• Royalty AU
• Forced to share a table at the coffee shop a couple days in a row because crowded coffee shop and no room AU
• Thieves AU
• Spies AU
• Doctors AU
• Medical School AU
• Ride the same bus together literally every day AU
• College professors AU
• On a train together and the train is stopped in the middle of nowhere for some reason AU
• Musician AU
• Time travel AU
• Medieval AU
• Character Swap AU (Characters swap places in the narrative)
• On the Run AU
I thought it'd be awesome to get a fic for this banner that I had done.
Then I thought why not make banners for all the prompts I wanted and these are the results:
Police Procedural AU Chlollie
Lawyers AU Chlex (I blame
lynzie914 chlex icon for this one)
Fairytale/Medieval AU Steroline
Forget high school students AU I want a high school teachers AU Caroline/Elena/Bonnie friendship
Royalty AU Chlollie
Forced to share a table at the coffee shop a couple days in a row because crowded coffee shop and no room AU Caroline/Chloe
Thieves AU Kensi/Deeks
College professors AU Olicity
It's crazy not only did I take one week to make these but I did ships I hadn't done before. So thank you
lynzie914 for giving my muse a kick in the butt.