Well, Phoebe (my cat) knows something really wrong. She won't leave my side. An ominous sign, I think. Maybe it's just my stress about my surgery tomorrow. This shit SUX.
One of my Oncologists says I'm NOT getting worse...which means I'm not getting better, either. But perhaps after this surgery, and the one on Friday- two in one week! yay!
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Comments 9
I was raised with them, and still occasionally go out to the range with my grandfather. The big blasting kind of guns are fun, but my ideal type is a sniper rifle, like a PSG-1. Nothin' says lovin' like a bullet straight from your gun to another's heart from 500+ yards away than with a precision sniping rifle ^_~
Aside from the topic of destroying things, I really hope the surgery went well for you, since this was posted some time ago, and I've heard from you recently on CrySpace, so I'd assume it went well. I'd fear for my life in the hands of doctors in this country... well, maybe not fear for my life, but my wallet O_O; I've never had surgery, though I've had a guy stick a needle into my knee about 5 times when I was 12 to remove fluid that built up from falling off a fence and landing on it lol.
See ya around CrySpace, sweet.
Funny you should mention swelling and/or needing surgery in those areas, as Hannah has been having some trouble with them lately... I forget what it's called, but she's been taking silver-something, as her family relies more on homeopathic remedies and seem a hell of a lot more effective than seeing a doctor. When I find the technical name for it, I'll let ya know, as any little thing can help, and if things get worse, you can at least tell yourself you tried ^_^
Safe and speedy recovery,
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