The Terror That Ensues [A mixtape for John Francis Donaghy]

Apr 03, 2012 21:04

Title: The Terror That Ensues
Medium: Television
Fandom: 30 Rock
Subject: Jack Donaghy
Notes: Because things are happening for Alec Baldwin, and we all have ways of coping. (I use mixtapes and self-loathing)

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fanmix, jack donaghy

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Comments 6

parisgal3 April 4 2012, 03:08:08 UTC
I'm ashamed to admit there was some devastation along with the "aww, good for him, I guess".

I love your mixes so!


purpleeater1 April 5 2012, 19:24:30 UTC
Still not over it.

And yay! I hope this one didn't disappoint! :D


gaffsie April 4 2012, 13:18:15 UTC
Great mix, as usual!


purpleeater1 April 5 2012, 19:26:09 UTC
Aw, that's so wonderful to hear. Thank you! :D


the_windowbird April 5 2012, 08:45:33 UTC
Snagging, looks fabulous as always.


purpleeater1 April 5 2012, 19:26:32 UTC
Hehe, thank you so much! Enjoy! :D


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