Little girls signing missiles to drop on the enemy?
Little girls dressing up as suicide bombers?
Israeli kids writing on missiles to be fired on Lebanon, signing it "with love." Talk about irony.
source articles here.
best reference Palestinian kids dressed up as suicide bombers.
And this one is making a peace sign. The irony never stops.
(I know I've seen the second one around flickr, but couldn't find it. I'll try to replace the link.)
So yeah, my boyfriend is Jewish, with family in Haifa. My best friend is Lebanese, with family in Beirut. Great.
Way to teach children love and tolerance... and then wondering why each new generation grows up full of resent and hate. Pardon me for being nauseated. There's got to be a better way than this.
Actually, what's sadder is that both sides have their moderates that genuinely try for years to solve problems without being insane. It only takes the extremists days to mess things up.