Created by starsbleed2nite and taken 64438 times on bzoink! What is your name?BrittanyAre you named after anyone?someone really originalWhat's your screename?AIM: Purplehaze601Would you name a child of yours after you?god noIf you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?RaulIf you could switch
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1.Jews do not recognize Jesus Christ's divinity. 2.Methodists do not recognize the Pope's authority. 3.Baptists do not recognize each other in the liquor or porno store.
//PSA: To the people who constantly manifest their negativity in hopes that others will mistake them to be deep and mysterious non-conformists of society: You are your own pawn...and nothing more.
Created by gabonator and taken 48 times on bzoink! which of your the best hugs?What constitutes best?has the most family problems?that I know of...Xanderis the most athleticPeacoe or Justinmost stupid?Kentmost outgoing?Mattmost shy?Cyndimost intelligent in school?
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