This is mainly for my reference but if you're interested in learning about the saga of me and Carlos feel free to read.
I was getting ready to walk to the store yesterday when I spotted Carlos outside on the phone. I immediately went outside to maybe catch a few words with him. Unfortunately all I got to say was "hi" because he was on the phone but he smiled and waved. Then I went to the store to get those ill-gotten bananas. That's right, I stole them. Just Kidding!
But on the way home I told myself: I've got to say something flirty to him, to let him know what I think of him.. So I settled on asking - "So.. when am I getting my first Spanish lesson?" "Whenever you want!" he said happily. Then he asked me.. "Do you know what preciosa means?" I was like.. "Hmm.. precious?" and he said "Beautiful."
I wonder why he picked that as my first word.
He came over my house to fix the computer. My dad was like, stay out there and keep Carlito company, and Carlito says "It's not Carlito, it's Carlos" Of course! So we had our first big conversation. I asked him why he worked with the reparation dude when he could get a good job in computers with his degree and all. It turns out that he doesnt have his papers.
I happen to be cooking some rice, the only thing I can basically cook and I said "Whooo's hungry!?" and he raised his hand like a schoolboy.. It was soo adorable. I gave him some rice and he gobbled it down. I gave some to my Dad and he refused so Carlos gobbled that down too.. I thought that was sweet.
I asked him where he would like to go if he went to college and he said FIU. I was like oh! Well I'm going there on full scholarship. He goes "WOW! It's because you must be very smart!" I was like "Um.. not really but I got it because I play an instrument" and he goes "OH! So you're an artist!" and for like five minutes he was bowing to me and making it look like I was some sort of descendent from a long line of English queens. Well.. I accepted it haha.
It turns out he took a placement test for college and it said he should be a psychologist and then an author. TOTAL BROWNIE POINTS WITH ME. He didnt take either jobs because they dont pay well in Honduras. So he became a computer engineer. I asked him if he had a bachelors degree and he started cracking up. He goes "What is THAT!??" LoL obviously thinking it meant "bachelors" literally. That was pretty funny. But I filled him in and it was all good.
I asked him if he liked my new dorky glasses and he was like "yeah" LoL. You could tell he was like ew. So then I told him - "I dont need them but I like to wear them" He goes - "You dont need them? Then why do you wear them?" and I said "I wear them because I think they are cool!"
He likes the Simpsons.
He saw the picture of the band kids at the band banquet in which Lucas had his arm around me. I think he kind of got a mixed message. Oh well. But it was adorable because he said he found out about myspace through his best girlfriend. He goes "How you say she is my best friend but not my girlfriend?" I was like aww.. he wants me to know he's single. I gave him my myspace and told him he had to add me as his friend, or else. He was like "I will as soon as I figure out my password!"
Then my Dad had to go to work and he kept trying to kick Carlos out. I could tewll my dad didnt trust him and he didnt want him there when he wasnt home. Aww... we had a good conversation going :(
So thens I go to my Grandmas house because I'm bored. I walk in and she's all excited and she tells me how Carlos came over today to use the bathroom (lol) and he told her everything about me. Like the time I spied on him through the curtains; but he made it sound like he was actually spying on me! and the time when I cooked for him and he thought it was awesome. My grandma is very helpful, lol and she completely blew him up saying how nice and religious he was and how she asked him what he was going to do with his life and how he said "God will show me the way." Obviously that struck a nice chord with her because she thought that was soo nice. Carlos seems to be playing his cards very right.
The first thing he told my Grandma was: "What more could I ask for? I have my own place, a job, and a BEAUTIFUL BLONDE next door to look at." <3
He also said that my Dad was too strict and that the more strict you are, the more the girls want to disobey. I agree but fortunately I'm not like that.
My grandma also told me how wonderful he was because he took the day off of work for his little sister's birthday. AWWW! He said he took her to the park and Dandy Bear. I don't care who you are if that isn't the sweetest thing for an older guy to do for his 11 year old sister you're weird. I remember that day too because I saw him jump in the car all excited with a cowboy hat on. That's just so sweet.
So far this guy seems good.
He likes me
He's tan
He has dark hair
He is religious
He's a romantic
He likes girls taller than him
He's been to clubs with all those hot women yet he considers me (ME) to be the cream of the crop (What's wrong with him?)
He's a writer
He loves psychology
He is loveable to his family
Pretty well-rounded guy. I'm going to go to my Grandma's house now to find out the daily scoop.