It's dark now, and we're alone. We're sitting side by side on my bed trying to concentrate on the tv set, but all I can think about is you. You breathing next to me, and the fact that you might be thinking about me too.
Well thats just swell! I feel chipper.. LoL. I got him to say that I'm pretty. Umm, guess what guys!? My dad says he's getting a powerboat! YAY!! Now we can go to the Bahamas for a day trip or something. Its going to have a cabin and that special little navigation system. I told him to leave it to me in his will. SO AWESOME!! ( Another Convo You Dont Have To Read )
Well yesterday I talked with him. I can see now that my conscience was eating me up inside, starting with the heart first. I provided my best friend LJ-CUT with the conversation.