TW Yahoo Auction - Accessories Spree 2 : Completed

Nov 03, 2005 17:47

Dear all,

Update on 14/11/05
Arrived! Distributing now...

Update on 07/11/05
The seller had replied me and I already paid by using Ezpay. He said will mail out by today and let me know the tracking number ^_^
Shipping is actually about $0.07 per item. To keep me easier I'll use shipping as $0.10 per item. Hope you all don't mind the different.

Please make sure you have read and understand all the rules. This is my second time order from *楓糖漿精品館*. Still, Join only if you are 100% comfort with me.

1. Please read carefully all the T&Cs. I reserve the right to reject any order from spree-er who don't follow my T&Cs, especially my format of order.

2. No booking slot. Note that by means of CONFIRMED ORDERS, I mean orders with payment received. I'll make order for those who make the payment before the spree closed. Please note that I may not be able to online some of the time (especially night time) so apologise if i can't reply you at night. I'll order for those who pay me first according to my IB transfer record. No special case will be allowed. I strongly recommend you girls Transfer first then Post your order.

3. I repeated this quite a few times. Please, please and please double check your order before post your order here, to avoid mistake and confuse. I'll really appreciate if you can do it. Imagine you have tons of email keep changing the order and all. I have to spend more time to sort out and then more mistakes might happen. okay, I know I'm very nagging.

4. Please email me your details as below after you've posted your order here.
Use "Accessory Spree 2: Spree-er Info" as your Subject
-Your real name
-LJ Nick
-Bank a/c Type and no
-Contact Number

I'll reply with my contact number for emergency purpose in the next logon
Spree-ers who submitted their info to me before Need Not re-summit.

5. This spree is open for every Registered LJ member. As long you are a Regisered User, you are able to post the order in this page.

6. You may use this translator to read the description -> [Special Credit to tan_go2812 ]

7. I'll try to bargain with the seller for discount. Hence, if there's any discount, I'll use it to offset shipping and adjustment will be done after that. Please rest assured and Don't ask any question about it first. Thanks! :)

8. Use Buy Price 直接購買價 instead of the Bid Price 目前出價.

9. Please note that I might not be able to online so often over this weekend. Hence, place your order and transfer the amount. All orders with the correct Order Format and correct amount (Use Buy Price) will be accepted.



1. Website that you are ordering from

2. When you will stop taking orders 
07th Nov 2005 at 10am (Accept all order with Payment IN)

3. Your email address

4. How spree participants should make payment to you
POSB Savings A/C No: 039-39863-0  (Only POSB / DBS transfer for IB user - in this spree I prefer IB user)
(Please indicate your LJ username for Ibank user / For ATM transfer, please indicate the Amount, and time when u done the transfer)

5. How you will distribute items
Strictly by Post only

Local Postage Charges
Below 100g : $1.20
101g - 250g : $1.50
251g - 500g : $2.00
500g above : $3.00
*Registered Mail add $2

If you cannot agree with the local postage rate, Don't Join! Postage Rate is higher as stated in due to additional cost eg: Envelope, sticky labrlSpree-ers should also be prepared to pay for extra cost like bubble wrap, postpac..

6. Exchange rate
SGD1 = TWD19 (excess will be use it offset shipping)

7. How do I make payment to Seller
Will use Ezpay

8. Additional Charges
3.25% Plus NT10 (Admin Charges)
This is additional charges by using Ezpay. NT10 is one time charge to be shared by no of spree-er.

9. Shipping Details
Direct Shipping from Taiwan to Singapore - NT150 Flat Rate
I'll bare for the flat shipping NT150  first, once the stuff arrive, I'll collect it together with local postage.

Hence, There will be 2 transaction all together. First for the item, and second transaction for shipping and local postage.

10. Format of Order

Your Real Name: *Don't leave it Blank*
LJ username:
Email Address:

Item Name:
URL: *Make sure your link is correct to avoid mistake*
Price in TWD: Use Buy Price
Alt if Item Sold Out:

Item Name:
URL: *Make sure your link is correct to avoid mistake*
Price in TWD: Use Buy Price
Alt if Item Sold Out:

Total No of Item:
Total in TWD: Item 1 + Item 2
Total in SGD: (Total In TWD / 19) x 1.0325(Admin Tax by Ezpay)


You are advised to double check your order before click the "Post Comment" button. To avoid confuse and keep the thread neat. Just in case you need to amend/add transcation reference, Please reply to your own thread only! Or better, delete the wrong one. Re-post a correct order.

*By joining this spree, you are deemed to have read and agreed to the terms and conditions listed above.

Confirmed Order
__sheneedsasig $25.00
lavender84 $52.71
dreamiracle5 $5.43 + $5.43
lavign3 $57.05
psychedelich $10.90
erifas $8.15
fadingworld $10.87 + $10.87
val_black $15.21
mizdivine $17.66
ambrosiastar $32.61
bitterwine $24.46
slackerrrrrr $27.71
kokobrok $29.34 *精鍍k金水晶鑽可愛櫻桃雙層項鍊/粉紅款 NT220 is OOS*
uniquejunk $51.36 + $16.30
bimbo_styy $4.08
triii $11.96
yvyletteami $41.57
telrodiel $49.99
greenexistence $21.74
yanwenx $5.43
clichezz $10.87
summerbelle $32.06
17cents $16.30
fairycouture $5.43 - To be refund *Order is Cancelled*
diamondsilike $6.52
twinstar79 $29.00
moodresser $10.87
califitness $16.30 + $5.40
cutelittlething $19.56
amoscookies $51.10
purplehut $22.82

Total No of Item: 100

Happy Spree-ing!
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