Title: Pulling Punches
purplekitteTheme: Motoki--Taking stock
Genre: Drama
Version: PGSM
Rating: PG
“Put down four more boxes of spare red buttons. And a crate of spare joysticks. One. And make sure you put that in the column for crate, not box, Nephkichi.”
Nephrite growled.
“Don’t be difficult, Nephi-kun. You’re cute and cuddly, if not as cute as Kamekichi…” Motoki stopped at the growing-familiar sound of things breaking. “You really,” he began as he ran for the main part of the storage garage.
Nephrite was not alone. Three teenaged boys laid sprawled on the floor in some degree of pain but no obvious injury. “What did you do?!” This time.
“They were trying to steal tokens.”