I don't even know what this was suppost to be (okay, I do, Kyrouraku/Ichigo, which is worse than not knowing). I'm just going to pretend I never wrote this meaningless, odd thing.
Title: “Fixed”
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Kyrouraku, mentions of others
Rating: G
Word Count: 140
Time: 22 minutes
Disclaimer: Bleach not mine.
“Matsumoto made me bring you this.” Hitsugaya roughly thrust a wrapped package at Kyouraku.
Kyouraku opened the box. A stack of shoujo manga bound by a ribbon with a note, “For Nanao, From Ran.”
Packets of snack food and bubbly drinks were addressed to various inhabitants of the Soul Society. Sending Yachiru stage blood was one thing, but Kyouraku wasn’t sure what Renji thought Byakuya needed a hair curler for.
At the bottom was a pink haori, neatly folded, with a note. “Kyouraku-taichou, I have fixed your haori good as new. I don’t even want to know why Kurosaki found this so important to do for you, Shinigami. Be easier on the seams if you want my help again.-Ishida Uryuu.”
Kyouraku smiled and suspected Kurosaki had had nothing to do with the large Quincy cross now across his back.