sm_monthly March 18 theme

Jul 30, 2008 05:39

They say you can tell apart a Buddhist temple and a Shinto shrine by whether or not there is a torii out front. This is stupid. There are ways of telling, but everything has a torii out front so this is not one of them. Most temples are complexes of multiple buildings of both religions anyway.

Title: Siddhartha
Author: purplekitte
Theme: character-a-day--Yuuichirou
Genre: Romance
Version: Anime
Rating: PG

Yuuichirou was sorta like Buddha. Born rich and privileged, gave it up for the austere life of a monk. Okay, maybe Buddha hadn’t had a hobo playing guitar in Harajuku for loose change stage in there. And, he was more concerned, as he had read Osamu Tezuka’s version of the life of Buddha, that he hadn’t gotten the girl.

But Buddha could have if he’d really wanted to, he was sure. And Yuuichirou wanted to.

Rei was a bit more like Amaterasu. If you messed with her she would fuck you up. Or go and lock herself in her room and brood, he had noticed.

But Yuuichirou was Japanese, so he didn’t really think twice of mixing religious traditions.

pairing: het, series: sailor moon, rating: pg, character: hino rei

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