Late, I know. The one for the day before yesterday is still coming. It's Isshin/Ryuuken which I want to be good because I love the pairing, but I have been horribly uninspired this week.
Title: “Wedding”
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Isshin/Ryuuken, Yoruichi
Rating: G
Word Count: 111
Time: 8 minutes
Disclaimer: Bleach not mine.
“Yoruichi-sama, do you want to be flower girl at our wedding?”
“We are not having a wedding!”
“Aw, but it will be the ultimate consummation of our love!”
“Ouch, stop, stop! Get off me! It is a meaningless expense and waste of everyone’s time.”
“Oh Masaki! Ryuu-chan doesn’t love me!”
Ryuuken rubbed his head as Isshin once again started angsting to the poster of his dead wife.
“He hates me and doesn’t want to be my bride or look after the children… However will I manage any longer, all alone…?”
“All right. But it will be a small wedding.” He considered Yoruichi’s grin. “And I will not be wearing a dress.”