Oh, I remember when this was an accurate expression of life.
Title: Keeping Time
purplekitteTheme: Outer Senshi--School
Genre: General
Version: Manga
Rating: PG
Tick. One. Tock. Two. Tick. Three. Tock. Four.
She noticed at some point that the other children weren’t as bored as she was. Painfully, mind-numbingly bored that made her want to scream.
Fifth grade was fourth grade all over again. And again. She hadn’t yet noticed other children didn’t read “Introduction to Quantum Theory” because they could tell the difference between a picture book and a book with a lot of pictures.
Tick. Five. Tock. Six.
There were only so many tiny braids she could plait into her hair, even if they didn’t stay because she didn’t have any rubber bands.
She stared at the clock on the far wall and the steady oblivion of following its movement. Multiplying fractions, really. The first day of the lesson, last month, would have been sufficient. Not like it was even adding fractions that needed conversion. Soon she wouldn’t have to look at the clock and would have something to occupy one of the gaps in her brain straining for activity.
Knowing only one life, Setsuna glanced out the window at the wide sky and kept perfect time.
Tick. Seven. Tock. Eight. Tick. Nine.