I find this an interesting part of the sequel effect. I've seen a trend for there to be a part, say in book two or four, for someone to get court martialed for something that happened in book one. Vampire Earth, Blade of Tyshalle, ToP, Gurren Lagann, numerous other examples but I'm using the ten second brainstorm method. It could have seemed like a good decision at the time. It could have been morally ambiguous or outright immoral but the characters didn't care at the time and the audience probably didn't notice either.
Interestingly, the character rarely gets off. This then leads them to go from Lawful to Chaotic Good and going off to be their own third faction in things for at least a while. I'm sure at some point I'll get in a good commentary on the social forces and implications involved, "good stagnates", and such, though it probably won't be on this journal.
Title: Chains of Command
purplekitteTheme: Character-a-day--Queen Serenity
Genre: Angst
Version: Manga
Rating: PG
It weighed her down, ruling. The chains of office, the traditional tired metaphor, were so real some days she could almost feel the chaffing at her skin and cold iron sucking the heat out.
No, chains could be broken. Chains on the soul were something more. Duty and guilt for every past mistake. Her own guilt would have eaten her alive but the constant accusations and power jockeying from nobles meant Serenity would never be able to relax, show weakness. Everything would be a black mark against her someday, no matter how things seemed at the time the decision was made.
No backing down for her. No resigning in shame at some real or imagined mistake that had the court and people incised. Her daughter was the light of her life, a butterfly, a shining splash of gold among silver. She was utterly unfit for command. That weighed on her harder than anything. It was criminally irresponsible to let the only heir to the throne remain ignorant of statecraft or war and play in the gardens all day in her riot of color. She must be a queen, not a mother. Not that not helping her child to grow-up made her much of a good mother.
Queen Serenity could only silence discontent and keep living forever and reigning forever because there was no good alternative. And she was only a mortal woman.