sm_monthly Sept 16 theme

Oct 31, 2009 16:04

So, two months for the theme and still eight more to go. For me lately that's great, though. *sigh* Yes, at least I'm more than two thirds done.

What's left are pairing I don't particularly go for/have any inspiration for and, of all things, Kunzite/Zoisite and Usagi/Mamoru. I think I'm waiting for the inspiration to write something great, because I love those pairing, rather than just writing something. I can't quite complain about that.

Title: Gathering Threads
Author: purplekitte
Medium: Fanfic
Theme: Pairing-a-day--Ami/Makoto
Genre: General
Version: PGSM
Rating: PG

It was the mittens that made Makoto figure it out. She didn’t consider herself the most observative of people, but she wasn’t an idiot. When they were most fractured, Usagi was off mopping about being the princess and Mamoru and Hina, Venus was off being distant and mysterious and Rei was off yelling at her, and she, Makoto admitted, had been off picking fights with Tuxedo Kamen and youma with no regard for her life and wallowing in Venus-like fatalism. Ami meanwhile had been sitting at the karaoke bar, in the center, knitting.

How was it she could feel her absence so keenly now that she wasn’t there? Maybe it was that some part of her had known Ami was there, waiting. Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.

Makoto stayed in civilian form even before Dark Sailor Mercury, believing the scarf around her neck and mittens on her hands were the only armor she needed.

“I baked you a pie,” she told her, setting it down and stepping back. “As thanks for the mittens. I’ll bake something else next week for the scarf.”

Dark Mercury turned away contemptuously and didn’t answer her inquiries of maybe apple or maybe blueberry. But she didn’t attack and when Makoto went back by the spot an hour later, she and the pie were gone.

series: sailor moon, pairing: gen, rating: pg, character: kino makoto, character: mizuno ami

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